My girlfriends dad folded a 2 dollar bill into a shirt and gave it to me

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Sounds like he’s given you his approval.

Keep it and cherish it forever

Bro what side quest did you go on to attain this

I’d wear that, does it come in a hundred?

I just saw that particular fold for the first time on The Nice Guys last night, and now I’m seeing it again today.

This means he likes you.

If this gets popular enough your girlfriend’s dad is going to find out your reddit account.

Make that your “pocket square” on the wedding day

You’ve been approved ✔️

Looks like he did a really good job.

Check out r/origami – learn a simple pattern and bond with him over it on your next visit.

he wants you to wear that next time you meet him

Nostalgic, I used to fold my lunch money while still in class like this

I love it! My grandpa folded one into a bow tie for me, decades ago. I keep it safe in my jewelry box, he’s been gone for 24 years now.


I learned to do this too and do it when I tip. It’s funny

Great! You can keep it either in Wallet or Wardrobe

Looks like military cammo

Lol people give me these too and also put a coin inside. 

I didn’t know that was possible. Take my upvote

That’s way cooler than I thought it would be

Damn that would go hard as a real shirt

don’t spend it

Maybe he’s giving you funeral shirt?

Yeah keep that!!

Friend of mine would make these out of a dollar and bring em to a bar and ask the bartender if they’d “tradd a shirt for a beer”. Said it worked more often than not.

This is so cool he needs to make a “how to video”

I need the steps to this fold NOW

Save it. And put it on your wedding suit if/when you get married as a neat callback.

There’s a 2 dollar bill?!?!!? LOL.

all these happy go lucky people have no idea what this mean.

this is such a bad omen. you don’t fold shit like this for the living. I’m assuming your dad is some sort of asian? we fold shit like this for sacrifice of the dead. people will burn paper money and sometimes… things like this or even more elaborate paper house or cars.

but either way, your gf’s dad is either ignorant or hates you.

and if you care to do anything about it, to break the omen, straight up burn it in one of those dedicated furnace bin during the festival/memorial of the ancients or the dead (2 different events). or to find a temple and circle it over the incense pot 3 times.


I can fold a $1 bill to make George Washington look like a mushroom

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