Elmo’s thoughts on the minimum wage

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I’ll never understand why the Right thinks that raising prices while keeping income low is a good thing.

I have no clue why people say “I have no clue”, it’s admitting to being clueless. Maybe read the internet once in a while.

To anyone who agrees with Musk on this, a person making min wage ($7.25/hr) would make $15,080 a year if they worked full-time. However, many min wage jobs cap at part-time so they don’t have to pay for benefits, so it’s more like $12,064 a year. Both of those are below the poverty line and those folks would be eligible for programs like food & housing assistance, paid for by YOU, the US taxpayer. Meanwhile, their employers get tax cuts and don’t pay benefits for most of these workers, so they get an even bigger break because we bail them out on the backside. We should be incensed! 😡 We are essentially giving out corporate welfare so the rich can get richer while the regular guy is far worse off.


He has no clue. Period.


Is he out of his goddamn mind? Is this real? I’m literally dumbfounded.

Because God forbid people survive real life. Oh, they can’t? I’ll just import workers. Funny thing, they’d still have to pay COL…. and when they can’t, and die or become and homeless, rinse and repeat.

You can’t spend your money in hell.

Says Scrooge McMusk.

I will never understand why the working class votes for Republicans.

He coulda stopped after the first four words. LOL

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of a sociopath.

Well Elmo, it’s not like you’re a deep thinker. You’re merely a shit-stirrer saying whatever will get you attention.




Everytime he opens his mouth

That’s right….you don’t have a clue.

Is it just the left though? I mean, is it, *really*? I’d be willing to bet there are republicans who also think they could do with a bit more cash in their pockets too.

World’s richest man can’t understand why people would want more money.

no clue why the right thinks abolishing it will raise wages either

He wants you to work for free and be grateful.

Yea Elon you don’t live paycheck to paycheck and have an almost completely empty fridge like some of us so how about you stfu

MAGA’s newfound hero everyone! Baste yourselves in the garbage!

He does not have a clue because he comes from a mindset that more money to the people is less money to the business owners. Fascist prick

I personally have no idea why there isn’t a cap on wealth. You reach a certain point you don’t need anymore.

There is no limit to the things that President Musk doesn’t know.

the billionaire ceo has no clue why people need a liveable wage?

It’s obvious why he has no clue, because it hurts his bottomline. Which makes him a bottomfeeder

People that say “I have no clue” generally don’t know why minimum wage was created to begin with and why they think it should remain at $7/hr.

I have no clue why many dimwits call this POS a genius.

Says the man who has never, ever struggled with any kind of resource insecurity.

If the minimum wage doesn’t go up over time to account for inflation and cost of living increases then the buying power of the minimum wage goes down over time. I have no clue why some people think each new generation of entry level workers should earn less than the one before.

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