to stand like a human person

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The ugliest family on the planet, with a combined IQ of around 40

No one knows where to put their hands when there isn’t a cash register nearby. 

Lol, that pear formed body structure.

Sry for the body shaming, but they can handle it and probably use at for their advantage some fucked up way

They look like centaurs from Percy Jackson who are shit at hiding the fact they are half man, half horse.

The guy on the right has the strangest body shape I’ve ever seen

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They all have high heels on

They wear lofts in their shoes. They’re obsessed with height.

All the money in the world and they can’t afford a tailor.

Jrs lady hips


I swear to god, this bunch looks like their body was design to walk on all four, and they’re standing like meerkats on the look out for predators

Poor Vance when he finds out some schmuck keeps shooting couches to make their suits.

Every time I see this photo I say this


Klinefelter syndromes

They’re all like “I’m nailing this. They don’t even know this is my first time. Two more minutes and I’m out of here . Concentrate on my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Nearly there”

I just realized how weirdly Eric’s body is built 😳🤣🤣🤣😎

Don’t they have good tailors? Why do all the suits look like they were rented from a sad costume shop?!

They don’t know how to wear suits that fit either. They look like todlers trying to fit in normal people clothes

I fully expect to hear that Barron ‘Caligula’ Trump has been found with an entire motel full of murdered hookers before he’s 25.

They don’t even pretend to be fully human.

Are your shoulders supposed to be wider than your hips as a dude?

The Trump family has that ugly body shape from the Sims 4 that all the townies always have

Lil Dump looks like a penguin, I wish his suit was darker, oh and except penguins are adorable. I see a bunch dirty grifters here.

This is photoshopped. Donald doesnt let eric get this close.

The “Giant” Trump with the “above average height” Prince William, someone is telling porkies
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See, the trick is to expell more gas before stepping into the skin suit. That coupled with frequent releases. Otherwise, it just sort of fills up like a methane balloon and it just won’t look right.

They think it’s a power stance but they just look stupid.

Did half of the United States really vote for these asshats?

Still can’t get over Trump’s duck pose

These new skins feel weird.

He is wearing a wasp to pull his gut in and he has extreme lifts in his shoes to appear taller than he is. When these things are combined it explains both the abnormal posture and his difficulties with stairs.

This is the strongest evidence of lizard people I’ve ever seen.

Looks like Elon wore out Mr Trump over the holidays…. His still standing like his got the hand up his arse.

Lizzid peeple.

American tailors really need to take tailoring courses

You know how you sometimes take a photo and you don’t know what to do with your hands? That’s the problem everybody in this picture is having.

they all look like they got the cheap version of the “Edgar suit”..except for the blond..she just looked pissed off

The only semi normal looking one looks pissed to be there.

Why do they all stand like a shit-filled condom left out in the sun?

Trump hate has to be the lowest of all hanging fruit.

I wonder if that lean does not indicate some health issues.

Who put a suit on that bowling pin on the far right?

First day of standing up school…….. and you all failed

Trump standing looks like two people wearing a horse costume

Trump stands like an anime swordsman just cut him in half and he hasn’t realised the top half of his torso is sliding off yet

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