oof.. not recovering from that

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“your mom is a stripper” isn’t really a *rare* insult lol

The pooles spin?!

Some clubs have a spin and stationary ones but the spin ones are the ones they do the most tricks on and often get more money for so they like to go for those.

This is an unnecessary insult to a perfectly normal tweet/post. Nothing rare about unnecessarily insulting someone’s mother without provocation.

They don’t all spin and the ones that do are at varying speeds so every place you dance you have to learn the new pole essentially.

OP must’ve had a very secluded life to think “your mom” jokes are rare insults.

Ah yes, never gonna recover from the million-times-told insult, something about your mom

i would have said, “yours did apparently”
this is the come back bros..

Mum jokes,the least rare insult in the entire world

How did it not occur to them that it would be nearly impossible to grip a pole with your thighs tight enough to hold up your body weight while also being able to spin freely? The bruising would be horrible.

I’m past my patronizing strip club days, and never knew this. I’m embarrassed

Some don’t spin, but most do

It’s only been the last couple years I’ve been seeing strip clubs with spinning poles. Most are still just a standard metal pole.

This is true. Not about the mother thing!

But yeah, if you tell someone who doesn’t know this, they’ll go off like Seth Rogan being told Andy is a virgin.

Correct, my mom never told me about Santa 🙁

Oof… le epic rare insult 🤪🤪🤪

Wait till you learn she actually doesn’t like you and probably has more liquid cash than you ever will. God I miss dating strippers.

There is a very easy recovery here, “not all moms are strippers”

There are two kinds of stripper poles; static and spinning. But the static ones suck a dick and a half.

i didnt know that

They’re not called “stripper poles”. They’re “pole dancing poles”.

My wife does pole dancing as a hobby. We have one in our house. It’s actually become a fairly popular form of working out. For her birthday like 10 years ago, I bought her a pole so she could practice whenever she wanted. We have it installed in her work out room.

I could have told you that.

What about the foot work thoo

That actually does make a lot of sense though. The pole would have to be to slippery to grip and spin around otherwise.

That’s good to hear tbh because it really looks like you’d get a friction burn if you don’t lube the pole.

i had a customer who was a vocational pole user, and she did a running jump/flip kind of thing and caught herself on the pole.. i asked on 4 different occasions “doesn’t that destroy the skin on the back of your knees doing that?” and every time she said no it doesn’t do anything. she never said anything about the pole spinning. another one that i was hanging around with was talking about her, and i asked her how it doesn’t destroy her skin and she immediately told me the pole spins. it’s some kind of magic in the stripper business i think, they don’t want us to know

Just not funny at all. Reddit humor is so bad. Momma jokes. Simple puns. It is embarrassing.

Well, that was just uncalled for..

Wait seriously?

Wait, what!?!

his mom wouldn’t be able to hold herself off the ground so i don’t know how she’d have that information. she’s not cut out for the job to be privy to that knowledge.

I feel like any mom insult cannot be considered rare when “Motherfucker” or “fuck your mother” literally exists as perhaps the oldest form of mom insult. Basically every language has one lol.

I’m a guy and I watched The sopranos enough that I wanted to try doing it so I tried it on a playground poll and could do it fine. when I found out that they’re cheating It was upset

So… Does it get lubed with regular use?

Not all of them. Can confirm.


Stripper poles do not spin in place… I’m sure of it

Uhhh… I used to work security for a Strip Club. Part of our duties was to sanitize the poles after they girls were done on stage and then escort them back to the dressing room. Poles didn’t spin.

I injured myself trying to spin around a regular pole by jumping at it full force and spinning 4 times before my arm gave out.

TL!DR: you can spin on a pole if you try hard enough

OP gets bullied at school and it shows.

no, your mom did ?

This is a common insult. Perhaps THE most common insult.


Yeah, she did her best to keep the fantasy going, but like all family secrets, this one also came out in the open because of dad’s sloppiness.

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