Mad heist

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What a knob

I did that with the water filter in my fridge at sears. Went and took the one from the display at sears. That’s probably why they’re out of business now, sorry guys.

I need a knob for my whirlpool, which has like 6 knobs. They want OVER 200$ to send one. That is just under 1/4 of the price of the stove.

So the KNOBS are worth more than the rest of the stove combined? KNOBS? MORE THAN STOVE? FUCK WHIRLPOOL

Stealing is free

Make them red and for some reason your stove will double in value.

Pretty sure his wife responded.

“That looks like shit Tom. Replacement is already ordered for $13.99. Glad you were CADing your knob for 10hours instead of raising your children.”

Lmao. Sent the screenshot to my wife. She about lost her stuff…lol.

sometimes you get to a point where you weigh the $34 plus the value of the ~20 min time expense of going to the store (+ getting other stuff you needed)

Vs (4hrs of measuring, CAD modeling, printing troubleshooting and then *finally* printing) for a ‘cheaper’ result.

Your time is worth something too.

That’s one of my favorite memories of my father. We were walking around Lowe’s one day and he mentioned that he needed to get one of those small black knobs that you use to turn on a table lamp. He walked over to one of the display lamps, unscrewed one and stuck it in his pocket.

Preemptive edit: The secret is crime.

Hmm… thousands on a CAD workstation, with 3d scanner and printer. Biggest return on investment, a 12 cent knob.

And if the model is discontinued?

Just learn CAD.

Learned CAD but not how to use a spray can.

Who is the knob now?

One’s a CAD master, the other is just out here playing Grand Theft Knob.

Wild how many people seem to think it’s completely acceptable to steal stuff because it’s “just a display model.”

Lol, this guy doesn’t like paying for knob

I get the hate this guy is getting, but, you can learn cad on a 100 dollar laptop, and a 100 dollar cheap 3d printer, free software online, (and like 10 bucks worth of filament)

And idk bout y’all, but id spend 210 bucks on the ability to repair small things myself around the house, and have a hobby.

( but I may be biased, as I collect hobbies.)

Also, there is something to be said for personal achievement, that “I think it’s awesome that I have that ability”

As someone who worked for the team that took care of the damn display appliances (and other displays). Eff that guy and anyone who does this. The companies are often a nightmare for the retail store to get the parts from, but they will prioritize a paying customer and will often send replacement parts to you for FREE if you ask. For the team I was on it meant submitting tickets and following up a million times and MAYBE getting a replacement part for it before it had to be sold off. If we had no luck it had to be sold off at a discount for missing parts. And yes places like Home Depot have millions, but the little people in the stores got a bonus only if they make their sales plan, and the margin above it. Having to heavily discount things because of stolen parts eats into that. So again.. eff that guy and anyone else who does this.

Edited for grammar


Tbf $34 isn’t that bad, ive seen way worse

Me stealing is more green than buying it

I did that for the drain plug on my cooler id lost

I know Canadian, where’s my fuckin stove

That comment should be in r/UnethicalLifeProTips

Curious, how well does that material hold up to heat?

Worked at Lowe’s a while back, that’s actually super common sadly.

Similar thing happened with one of my Gundam Models kits. I was missing a piece from the kit, but found the kit built and on display at my local shop. I did ask an employee if I could buy the missing piece, cause last thing I want to do is hurt a small business, but he gave the piece to me for free.

My last landlord was having a problem with the water hose sprayer for the sink. Went to Home Depot and swapped the broken one with the display since it looked fine. 🤣

Yeah, looks great….

No one asking what happened to the original. Did it break off, the dog eat it, what? If it broke off yeah fuck replacing it, it’ll just happen again eventually.

Also, does the vendor use some proprietary shaft for the knob instead of the good ol’ D shape? You can buy generic stove knobs like that for a few bucks.

And also, I’d bet they never run all four burners at once. Just leave it.

12 cents vs free


Your the reason home depot will lock a 30 dollar battery to a steel collummn. I’m not saying your morally I the wrong, home of the ” everyone gets 8 hours a week because fuck you we hired too many people.”. But yeah everything in that store needs to be superglue down.

Or if you don’t have a 3D printer, get one of the $2 knockoff knobs on Amazon. Worked great for me, and the landlord never noticed it when I left hahaha.

3d printers just seem like plastic waste, the hobby

like we don’t have enough plastic junk in landfills, got amateurs taking a swing at it

There’s 3 types of people

That’s one way to do it.

Honestly what I find frustrating is that he didn’t put that knob on a specialized stove function. Like keep the burner knobs consistent silver and put the black one on a more unique area.

If I was OP I’d replace all of them with the printed ones so they match and then sell the others individually as “replacement parts” for just less than the cost front he supplier.

“You wouldn’t download a doorknob”

That’s a $5000 range. Motherfucker definitely ordered the $34 knob. Just 3d printed one for internet likes.

Again? With this? No bad.

Intelligence vs. Wisdom

I found this with multiple tool handles lol

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