Elon Musk Puts Up a Poll Asking if the U.S. Should “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government”

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That guy should be declared persona non grata in EU.

The fuck, this guy is mad.
I feel like Musk is even more dangerous than Trump, and i f hate Trump but Musk is on another level.

UK gov should reply with a poll too.

Should we seize Elon’s assets in UK and freeze his bank accounts?

We should ban him from entering the EU/UK. He is a known instigator of violence and he’s not even being subtle about it at this point.

Should Britain liberate the American people from medical debt and give them the gift of the National Health Service?

The fact he would even put this to a poll is terrifying

This is how wars will be started in the future, with a poll on the Internet 😭🙏

When will this asshole finally fuck off

I fucking hate this decade.

Can we please ban X already. This mf’er is literally a foreign agent.

Maybe we should just ignore anything Space Karen says? And also boycott his businesses?

You got to wonder if Starmer recently told Elon to go F*ck himself and now Elons having a hissyfit.

On the otherhand, maybe he’s just trying to get people back in Twitter (formerly Good)

What is happening, what kind of timeline is this???!!

Tyrannical means democratically elected government that president elect musk just doesn’t like because they aren’t neo Nazi Christian nationalists

Musk is a problem that isn’t going to go away or fix itself.

Edit: The Americans are going to have a fit when he moves into The Whitehouse.

How about we just start ignoring everything he says.

The world should be liberated from this nutcase.

How the hell is the US supposed to “liberate” them? If he means by war, then that will be good one of the biggest blunders in the whole US history. In what world are we living in?

Musk is like a child that’s been spoilt throughout its life and was never told no. Thinks he can do what he wants with 0 consequences. 

Up to now that’s been the case and he’s likely to continue his childish antics until someone shows him otherwise. 

So this is how liberty dies…. wait THIS is how liberty dies??

What is wrong with him ? He is eating meth ?

Aren’t there laws to ban him from UK for meddling in internal politics and calling for violence ?

This guy is a literal danger to society.

Can we please stop giving this guy more attention than he deserves?

i hope this guy doesn’t live much longer

D-Day Greenland

D-Day London

D-Day Panama

Busy year is ahead of us

Stop feeding the troll

How comforting this maniac wields actual power in the next US admin

Yeah, Putin is not supposed to be an example.

This guy is getting worse by the day. He’s completely mental.

Don’t UK have some laws against people planning to overthrow legal government?
Because I feel it’s time to use them.

This is why there should be a cap on wealth. 

He has “liberated” his own brain from his skull.

What this guy needs is an intervention. 

Anyone following how the score is going?

Time for the UK to rejoin the EU and leave the special relationship with the usa for the next 4 years.

Musk is an idiot. Attacking one of your biggest allies like this.

Have we banned twitter yet?

He needs to be sectioned .

Time to shut down market access to the UK for any company Musk has any stake in. No more Tesla sales here.

Musk being an idiot, news at 11… what really gets me is all of his sycophants lapping it up and amplifying it.

He’s nuts!

Two things:

– Twitter has become so broken under that idiot’s ownership, I couldn’t find his profile by searching @elonmusk, it just showed me dozens of parody accounts.

– When I finally found it by searching for this post specifically, I saw that it is full of brainwashed cultists who were apparently made to believe that what he is saying makes sense. Votes are like 70% pro the insanity he is suggesting.

Dear Musk,
Please leave us the fuck alone, Farage is our elected c**t and we don’t need any more.
Kind regards,
The Uk

The MAGA terrorist working for Kremlin

Right, can we stop fucking around then – these are the actions of a hostile foreign entity, and he should be treated as such. You can fkin send in the SAS or james bond for all I care, he needs to be dealt with as an enemy target.

you want to get twitter and tesla banned in EU? This is how you get it banned

Can we PLEASE, for the love of fucking God, ignore what this Neanderthal has to say for AT LEAST one hour?

Like, every time I open Reddit there are news about some completely stupid shit he said on Twitter just for shit and giggles, fuck me man…

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