She was embarrassed to wear her princess costume to the movies – her uncle didn’t like that

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I’m a similarly beefy man and I’ve had rainbow toenails for two weeks.

When the daughter needs princess time, daughter gets princess time.

Uncle really said, ‘Fine, I’ll show you how it’s done,’ and slayed the princess look.

Hell yeah Unc!! It takes a village…village thanks and applauds you.

That dude probably got 3 different ladies phone numbers at that theater.

Best uncle…

I haven’t seen this photo in ages. It still makes me smile, every time I see it.

This would be my husband. He will burn down the world for our neices.

For all that faux-bros love to talk about being “alpha” on social media, this dude would have had no trouble getting any girl’s phone number at the cinema that day.

Now that is a man, give em the uncle of the year award

Solid move by the uncle. That girls face though looks like she’s found something completely different to be embarrassed about.

Niece wanted to go to the cinema but uncle took her to the gun show.

He’s rocking that dress better than I ever could! What a legend. Seriously though, this is such a sweet gesture. She’ll remember this forever. 😂👑

No slander just wondering… So he just had that dress sitting around? Or did they do a little princess Shopping Trip for that?

I can see this as a clip out of Ted Lasso 😂
Roy Kent and Phoebe

[he didn’t indeed, almost 10 year ago](

Fucking karma farmers

You’re a princess, Hairy!

Never met a kid that age in my entire life that would be embarrassed….. to wear her princess costume. I don’t think the info provided is true. Nice gesture, though .

Looks like uncle had this dream since childhood was just waiting for right time to make it come true.

If she didn’t want to wear the princess dress that would have been okay too.

Glad they had fun though.

Now that’s a man! Great uncle!

I adore that man

That’s Uncle BAMF

He is a true bro, a great person, and a hero of an uncle!

Ilsa seems to be going through some changes.

Rocking that frock

Surprised no one mentioned he looks like Chris Hemsworth

Best. Uncle. Award. Ever!! Everyone needs someone like this in their life 🥰

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