Hoping they sue him over this.

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Elon Musk is pretty fucking pedophile-adjacent if you ask me. He just spent hundreds of millions to elect the Pedophile-in-Chief and maybe he could enlighten us on his ties to Ghislaine Maxwell while he’s on the topic.

These people are trying to force their own reality where they aren’t everything they accuse their enemies of being. Fuck them.

So funny watching him discover the UK political landscape in real time, I reckon he’s gone on some right leaning UK subreddits and sorted by top of all time and is just getting outraged and tweeting immediately when he sees something. Won’t be long until it’s all about little boats, JK Rowling, Stormzy, Brexit, Corbyn and so on.

Every accusation is a confession with these people, don’t forget.

He’s back on his “Everyone i don’t like is a pedophile” shit.

Really love how he thinks he’s different than every other billionaire

X needs to be shut down it is run by a sociopath

Projection is real. 

Seriously? This is beyond the pale. The level of irresponsibility is astounding.

OMG did they refuse the mini-submarine AS WELL?

Just their standard playbook at work:


Elon Musk the penultimate reason why billionaires should not exist. All that money, and instead of fixing anything or helping anyone but himself, he spends all his time running his mouth and getting involved in things WAY over his head that he has no business being involved with. Being an egotistical douchebag just makes it that much worse.

Me thinks he doth protest too much. Do you know what kind of people are constantly obsessed with pedophiles? Other pedophiles.

If projection was a person

He’s going to discover slander laws in the UK do in fact have teeth.

He also supported Trump.

Defamation is Musk’s go to move. That he’s rich enough to defame without having to care about lawsuits is a good reason no one should be that rich. You don’t see Musk going after people who support child marriage. You don’t see Musk going after people who demand the age of consent being lowered.

Every time I see a Musk tweet, I think one of my brain cells die, and at the rate that Musk tweets at, I’m going to lose a lot of brain cells very quickly

Will this guy ever shut up?

Elon protests way too much.

Musk is an Epstein disciple like his first lady Trump.

anyone who reads the court documents about what trump and epstein did to those young girls can’t look the same at any trump supporters ever again, but fortunately, our right-wing media has kept most people in the dark about what happened to those kids at the hands of trump and epstein.


They don’t seem to realize that calling everyone that they don’t like, a pedophile, normalizes it in a way nobody wants except for pedophiles. Makes you wonder.

This dudes go to is to call people pedophiles for literally no reason. I would be very unsurprised if some shit came out. Its classic projecting 

Hmm, a cannibalistic psychopathic pedophile accusing others of being what he is, never seen such a perfect example case of deflection. They should use this in Psychology Masters Courses.

Didn’t he just complain how toxic Twitter is?

Accuse others of what themselves are guilty of.. Nazi playbook, create a villain

Even Grok knows Elon is a pedo.

His time will come , all who kiss Trump’s ass end up in shat , get the popcorn

Republicans will attempt to lower the age of consent.

Here’s the thing. Lots of poor people get caught up trying to groom teens. We’re supposed to believe that rich and powerful people aren’t *more* inclined to do it since they know they’ll get away with it?

Every time he opens his mouth I’m reassured he is not a genius.

From the article (of course we already knew this):

“One irony of this debate is that if Democrats wanted to turn the issue against the Republicans, they would have a much richer fact pattern available to them. Trump, still the party’s effective leader, has been accused by five witnesses of walking in on undressed teenagers. The party’s former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, engaged in horrific sexual abuse of minors. Representative Jim Jordan helped cover up a sex-abuse scandal in college. More recently, Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore was credibly accused of sexuallly assaulting minors.”

So, why don’t Democrats go on the offensive and have a smear campaign of their own? They need to start planting seeds in the mind of the public how EVIL the Repugnant party and CONservatives are in general. Fight fire with a larger fire.

Wrf is happening to Elmo?

He’s really going to the deep end these last days

Because it was never about the children. It’s distraction as he realises the people are becoming aware of the exploitation from billionaires and he attempts to shift blame.

The Guardian has some form with winning these kinds of lawsuits, so its a definite possibility.

After he bought twitter, he unbanned a pedophile who was banned under the old ownership of Twitter. That’s just one more from a long list of pro-pedophile shit Musk has done.

So, yeah. More projection.

I’d say sue him for defamation, but he literally called a guy a “pedo guy” for wanting to save kids. The guy sued him and lost because it was a “normal dialect” from where Elon was raised.

That’s the thing about a web of lies, you eventually get trapped in it yourself.

Again, this man spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about pedophilia.

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