I’ll be reading your advice

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Whatever you’re avoiding doing (and practically nervous/scared) just do it. Time passes regardless and 0.5/100 a day adds up quickly.

Be honest with yourself.

Do you like them or do you want them to like you?

This helps me a lot

Take care of the little things regularly to avoid the big things later.


– Spend the $50-$100 on an oil change every 5,000 miles so you don’t need a new engine later

– Brush your teeth everyday to avoid spending a ton of money on fillings, crowns, etc

– Do the dishes as you go so you aren’t left with a pile of dirty dishes and nothing clean to use (learned this one really quick in college)

– keep a cleaning brush in your shower and spend 5 minutes every time you shower giving the shower walls a quick scrub and rinse with water

– everytime you get out of your car, take any trash or items that don’t belong in your car with you

The above help keep you from getting overwhelmed

A few other good ones:

– If you commute to work and bring lunch from home, cook a double portion and take half with you for lunch the following day

– ALWAYS set a back up alarm clock

– Keep an emergency roll of TP in your car… (don’t ask 😂)

– This one is super underrated and I can’t tell you how much this has helped improve my mood: once a day, give someone a compliment. Can be anyone. Co-worker, mom, wife, sister, brother, uncle, cashier, server, garbage man, delivery guy, etc. A compliment goes so much farther than anyone realizes. Doesn’t even have to be well thought out. Something as simple is “Hey I just wanted to say I like your shoes” or “wow your outfit looks great!”.

Hope one of these helps someone

if you’re sad, go to the park for a walk.

If you’re happy, go to the park for a walk.

No matter how good the soap smells, don’t come out of a bathroom sniffing your fingers.

If you want to find a old article but you can’t see it due to paywall. Use the wayback machine to search for a time before the paywall.

Do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

If you ever get fired from a job immediately call your doctor and ask for 90 day scripts on your medications. If you can get them filled before you lose insurance it would buy you more time.

Financial literacy- budgeting, saving, investing.

Adopting a more nutritious eating lifestyle.

The importance of consistent physical activity- walking, running, resistance training.

Taking care of one’s mental health- seek treatment for it before it messes with your life.

Establish and maintain good dental hygiene- teeth are expensive to fix.

Build and maintain strong social networks- all the money in the world won’t save you from loneliness.

Floss regularly

A lot of good people are shitty sometimes. We’re all human beings. Give yourself time to process before making decisions, don’t be so quick to cut people out. Sometimes they need help, sometimes they are being shitty because they’re in pain. As time goes on, people don’t come into your life for the sake of just friendship very often. If you cut people out too quick, you will be alone very soon.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, it’ll become one of the most valuable skills you have

Learn to cook, doesn’t matter if it’s just a few easy recipes

Learn from failure, everything from a project to an interview. Aslong as you get something out of it then it’s good experience

Change your bedding and tidy up your place before you leave it for a while (e.g. holiday, travel, or incarceration etc.) treat your future self to a clean space to return to.

Spending ten minutes on a good habit is better than spending zero minutes.

You can get arrested and labeled a sex offender for peeing in public, but it’s not illegal to pee your pants. Even if it’s infront of kids!

Some shitty people hide their shitty behaviour behind religion.

If your instincts tells you something isn’t right then listen to them.

Pick up your feet when you walk.

You need to pick your life partner based on attraction of course, however, you also want to pick someone who not only has shared values but someone who always has a “team” mindset. This cannot be overstated…you need a team member when life gets hard, and trust me, it will.

Losing is abstract. You either win or learn

Time management is very very important.

Kill the monster when it’s a baby.

Take ownership of your mistakes/life. Things happen that we don’t ask for, but it happened, so take ownership of it – otherwise you’re giving up control to things outside yourself.

Fix your sleeping habits. The amount of positive changes you will see by waking up and going to bed at a reasonable time are absolutely crazy. It’s a relatively small fix with a ton of ongoing benefits.

Do not delay going the dentist, doctor, or mechanic when you know there’s a problem. Time only makes the issue more impactful and expensive.

If you have a car, get familiar with it under the hood. For gas-powered cars: know how to check the oil, the power steering fluid, and the antifreeze/coolant; know how to change the cabin and engine air filters; and stay on top of maintenance (but don’t trust upsold maintenance). Google and YouTube are your best friends when trying to learn something about the vehicle or troubleshoot an issue.

Use condoms, especially with partners who insist they don’t need them.

Try to remember that others’ emotions, words, and actions have more to do with them than with you. You only choose how to respond and adapt.

Prioritize relationships over things. Memories shared with people you care about will outlast any material possessions you acquire

Don’t shit where you eat!

When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE them!

If you need to vomit (or it’s going to happen anyway, but you have half a minute’s warning), drink a glass of cold water beforehand.

Two benefits: your stomach contents are cooled off so it’s not lava-hot, and also watered down so it’s not so acidic.


When a stranger offers you something for free, walk away. Whether it’s a great bargain or eternal life, there’s a catch. Just walk away and make your own happiness.

Don’t be afraid to talk to strangers, you may meet your best friend or learn something new

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