Nancy Pelosi, 84, using a walker during election certification.

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I guess walkers are the same no matter how much money you have.

Age limits on politicians

I don’t get why these people don’t want to retire

USA is being run by geriatrics. Those people grew up in a totally different world then we have now and refuse to change for the new world…

Age limits on political offices is a MUST if we are going to see more change.

“I.. still… have moooore….. insider trading…. to do…”

Fuck retire!

Hey look. It’s the fucking problem.

Guys, you don’t get it. If she leaves, someone slightly to the left might take her place. WE CANT HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE

Term limits please

I’m a Democrat, and I gotta say, I’m pretty disgusted by the Democrats right now. But when I turn to vomit, I see the Republicans, and Jesus Christ I can’t take this anymore.

70 should be a mandatory limit

She just broke her hip.

The average mortality timeline for a person over 80 breaking a hip is about 6 months. Incase anyone was curious.

An encapsulation of American politics in one image.

All politicians need to age out at 66, the same age as social security begins

Well Yeah, she just had a hip replacement.

Hopefully she is ok

Maybe it’s time to retire!

Term limits, enough is enough

Title feels like it’s just asking for people to be upset it does not say why she has one

May be an unpopular opinion, but she did just have hip surgery. If you don’t know anything about hip surgery, it’s really gnarly and the rehab is grueling. I think it’s actually a credit to her that she is there.

There are lots of valid reasons to criticize both Pelosi and the advanced age of many politicians but this is ain’t it.

I mean yes, she is old. But she did just have a hip surgery. Your gonna be using a walker for a bit after that surgery.

Doing pretty well for breaking a hip and having surgery to repair it. Pretty metal I would say.

im using the same walker! lol

She fell a few weeks ago,bad fall.

She just had hip surgery.

Didn’t she have a double hip replacement?

its not the mobility device thats a problem. it’s her fucking age

She using it bc she had an operation when she fell on her overseas trip (wearing high heels), not due to age.

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