Broke up and she immediately posted this.

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> I warned you that other ppl were waiting for their chance

wtf ? You deff dodged a bullet op

Congrats on finding another dude to fuck I guess lol. It’s not hard

Yeah she is monkey branching and she knows it. I got told off by an ex for moving on too quickly because I liked some pics on social media, yet she was in another relationship within 2 weeks…..

The projection is unreal.


It’s amazing how much you can infer about their personality just from this

You were rite to end things.

“Rite” and “dosnt”

I mean…you in fact have already upgraded if they are incapable of spelling correctly. 🙄 lol

There are some women disgusted by the fact that male “friends” are just hangers on waiting for a break up.

Then there’s this wonderful person.

Just for more context, there was never any “warning” so that must have been the voices in her head she was talking to that convince herself this is normal and adult behavior. Acting like this openly is just gross after playing a character for so long, and I pray for the next person that grabs the torch.


Nothing of value was lost

Post your own.

“When your friends dare you to date someone to see if you can get them to fall for you. But the prank goes on too long, and you’re too afraid to tell them the truth”

When someone says they have options or people waiting for a chance, I let them go explore their options and give those people chances. FOH

Had something similar happen to me. Previous ex had a large stash of my clothing at her home that she used to wear for comfort all the time and out of the blue one day, she washed all my clothes and gave them back to me – did not think anything weird about this, was just shocked with how much of my clothing she had lol.

Not even a week later we get into a relationship argument and she breaks up with me because I couldn’t drop everything I was doing and leave work to be with her when she was super emotional. Whatever, I block her and we move on.

I find out from a mutual that over the course of 3 months since we broke up, she got in a relationship, married and is expecting a child. Never felt so relieved for a relationship to end knowing there was probably stuff going on in the background.

Narrator – She was, in fact, cheating

Lolol dodged a manic brother

If someone needs to tell you that they’re nice, they usually aren’t. Actual nice people don’t advertise it; they let their actions speak for them.

You dodged an icbm

this is unhinged

May this kind of relationship never find me

Dodged a tactical nuke right there 😬

Brother, speaking from personal experience, trust me, block her and immediately and move on.

She can’t spell RITE so you are probably better off.

She was never yours, it was just your turn.

Dealing with this rn. 3 months of knowing gifts Christmas and smiling in my face just to find out she’s been going behind my back the whole time. Ice cold dude.

Even if she wasn’t physically cheating she already had her emotional investments elsewhere cause no one in love moves on immediately. That bullet would have been fatal good job dodging it.

From a girls prospective, she definitely was cheating and managed to hide it perfectly. She didn’t “move on”, dhe was waiting for the chance to publicly reveal it.

A woman like this would’ve absolutely destroyed your life. Emotionally, physically, and financially. This is a manipulation mind-game. Congratulations on getting out. Proceed to block her on all platforms and move on with your life. You will find a great partner who you can grow with. Proud of you OP for moving forward.

This right here is the type of girl to cheat and say ahh I tripped and fell on his dick and that it was your fault for it.

Full time professional Narcissist. Run far and fast !!

So she admits she was emotionally cheating then? Nice one.

Yeah.. she was definitely cheating

I’m amazed that you were with someone who mispelled the word “right”.

Oh she was CHEATING cheating. How long were yall together?

She was definitely cheating on you before you split.

Bro, she was cheating, lucky escape fella. Good luck to the next guy and prey he gets away free too 😂😂

I guess thanks to her letting you know how little she was emotionally invested in y’all’s relationship…. Help you move on a helluva a lot faster. 

She admitted to cheating in the post though 😂😂 “I warned you people were waiting on their chance”. How would she know if she wasn’t messaging guys she knew was into her

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