Hogan’s getting booed out the arena LMFAOOOOOO

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Part of me has this conspiracy theory that Triple H probably knew this was gonna happen and he let it go on all just to get his long awaited revenge for Backlash 2002.

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Yeah, I kept thinking “are those boos?”

And what a cringe spot by him. Just a shill for his beer and Netflix


He brings up Macho Man who hated his ass and made a whole rap album dissing him lol

Putting THIS man to speak in a BLUE state?? What were they thinking lol.

W CROWD. Hogan was shook he could barely get that promo out 😂


All the dudes in gorilla must’ve been cracking up, can’t imagine he has too many fans in the back either

It didn’t work for L.A., brother.

W crowd! WWE must stop sending those old dudes at the ring and make the new stars run the show

We made the sheik proud

I wonder what drink taste worse Woo Energy or Real American Beer 

Dude was surprised and shook by it. Glad LA knew the assignment.


Had to let it sink in before having a laugh myself. His own town made it clear, “that doesn’t work for us, brother.”

I can’t believe had the audacity to cut a promo with American beer as his tag team partner. The crowd deserves better than that

Best part of the entire show.

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🎶 Fight for the reichs of Fatherland 🎶

This was so awesome. It was such a cheap move bringing him back and then to have it just be him cutting a promo for the piss beer he’s trying to hawk. I am so happy the arena booked his ass. And they didn’t boo him like he was a heel. It’s clear nobody wants to see him.

An angel gained its wings from the chorus of boos

Did anyone else notice the shirt he had around his waist he was about to trip over before the camera cut off him walking away?

Nash and hall were the better NWO MEMBERS

I almost felt bad for him and had to mute. You could tell he was upset and flustered. The crowd fucking hated him.

Then I reminded myself that this is still Terry Bollea and he’s a racist 🍕💩. Bad call by WWE to bring him out.

WWE censoring this on their YouTube clips of it. Wonder if Netflix post-live gets cleaned up to remove boos too.

snowflake beer company is gonna back out of the deal for getting that reaction, watch lol

WWE fucked up BIG by not just giving Stone Cold whatever money he was asking for instead of trotting out this stupid ass corpse of Hulk Hogan

Good. Fuck him.

When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside…

The problem is nobody under 35 remembers anything cool about this man. The people that found him nostalgic are now aging out of the show.

He completely lost them when he mentioned his new tag team partner was his bullshit ass beer.

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