Because Canadian conservatives are philosophically in line with MAGA
2 months ago
People say “history repeats itself” but we’re really seeing this happen in motion.
I’m originally from South Korea (moved to Canada in 2004). I don’t know if many people know Korean history but we had a 500-year old dynastic kingdom called Joseon that was around between ~1400-1900. Although we did participate in the Chinese tributary system, it was an independent country with its own monarchy that stood strong and fought off many foreign invasions.
In the 19th century when the Western world started to encroach, the country had two paths 1) modernize and become a strong economy/country that can stand on its own ground or 2) continuously lean on larger powers like China/Japan to prop up the establishment.
Change and progress is hard and painful. So a faction within Korea with the aim of “modernizing the country through the help of other larger nations” started to pressure the government to sign unequal treaties with foreign countries under the guise of “helping Korea evolve”. First it was a port, then it was a military base, then it was a land treaty, etc. etc. Eventually Korea became a “protectorate” or a colony under Japanese rule. This process probably took around 50 years in the making, but in the end, Japan got what they wanted through corrupt Korean officials who were motivated by greed and power. Our own people sold out our country.
Annexation doesn’t happen in a snapshot. It happens gradually over time. What Trump is doing right now is planting a seed in an average Canadian mind that “Canada becoming a 51st state is a great thing!”. Then we got assholes like Kevin O’Leary twerking in the media for attention and kissing Trump’s ring. Canadians must vehemently fight this… Sovereignty can be lost so easily but very hard to reclaim. Canada is a beautiful country, a landmark of Western democracy, and most importantly – our home.
2 months ago
To our Canadian friends,
Please don’t let these people ruin your country. Canada is an inspiration to what we in the US would like to be. MAGA is determined to take us on a path to ruin. They turned what was once a decent political party, and totally perverted it for their own benefit. They are turning fellow Americans of a different ideology into the enemy. I am a devout Democrat and once had respect for my Republican friends. I maintain courtesy and respect, but I am quietly seething for MAGA Republicans. Please do not let this happen to Canada.
One American Friend
2 months ago
Because Canadian subs have a foreign interference problem and something like this doesn’t align with their goals.
2 months ago
Sure we can but tell that to right wingers who want to join the US as 51st state
2 months ago
Anyone stating they want to be a 51st state should be labeled a traitor and pointed out as such.
No exceptions, but here’s some friendly advice for you folk.
Get your American citizenship, move over there, then revoke your Canadian one.
We don’t want you here.
2 months ago
Nukes, that’s why.
Granted some Vietnam-style guerrilla warfare has always been their Achilles heel.
2 months ago
It would appear that the world leaders that tried being adults to Trump during his last go realized that he is in fact a toddler so the best they can do is keep him calm and distract him with shiny stuff.
2 months ago
I’m a immigrant to canada. I moved here from the states but I have roots here. My family is one of the first to settlers to canada. Unfortunately my grandfather gave up his citizenship to fight for the Americans in 2nd world War.
I would die for canada. I moved here because I wanted a better life and my kids to grow up with out being shot at in school.
I will fight.
2 months ago
Please don’t let this fucking tyrant and his goons fuck shit up for your country. Push back and push back hard. We will survive somehow but it’s not gonna be pretty. You’ve got friendly neighbors to the south that love and appreciate your country. The world needs to push this guy into the water face first and not fuck around
2 months ago
I think the average Canadian is. There are just a lot of bots, and traitors being parroted by the media.
2 months ago
What I don’t understand is that when Harper was in power trying to strengthen the military, he got bashed….now we have to consider Russia that wants to control our northern coastline and USA interests on our resources (even though I know Trump is just trolling about the 51st state, I laugh it off) but we were known for our army in the world wars (do some research) the Canadian army was very resourceful, great fighters, brave and ruthless. The Germans took notice, so did the allies…American platoons were often grouped with some Canadian soldiers because they advanced and won more with them at their side…
We need to ensure our military is feared by others who get any ideas. That’s my opinion, I don’t want to rely on our friends.
2 months ago
Lack of military power/ economic power.
2 months ago
Who thinks 8% is a majority of Canada?
2 months ago
We are. You just have to push us far enough to break. Remember the Geneva Suggestions.
2 months ago
There were not even whispers of this last time Trump was President.
It’s all an attempt to impress Putin.
2 months ago
Upvote the hell out of this, so he can see it
2 months ago
Who says we’re not? I’m not going to be an American anytime soon. Whether i can have a machine gun or not!
Don’t be so foolish and weak minded. We are a sovereign nation and will remain so, terrifs or non.
2 months ago
A lot of you don’t seem to understand how NATO works…. It’s not America vs Canada it’s America vs EVERYONE but Russia and China basically if they try to fuck around with Canada.
2 months ago
We can be!
Madness, bless-es CANADA!
2 months ago
We are — in SPIRIT 🔥💪
2 months ago
We are
2 months ago
Because through social media (mostly) eg: boomers who grew up trusting the news at 6, they have been sucked into American nationalistic patriotic propaganda thinking and all that goes with it, but by being inundated with propaganda on things like Facebook. The things people think are ‘news’ makes me shake my head.
2 months ago
Crazy how your average canadian could cross into the US ,and have unfettered access to undefended critical infrastructure. Kinda makes you think….
2 months ago
WE are
2 months ago
Trump: “Look, my Canadian friend, I come in peace. Tremendous peace, okay? Some people are saying this is the best peace offer in history. You join us, we’ll build the biggest, most beautiful trade deal you’ve ever seen. Believe me, it’ll be huge.”
Angry Canadian: “You come into our land, dressed like that, talking smack about maple syrup and Mounties? We don’t need your deals, bud. We’ve got politeness and a solid penalty kill. What do you have, eh?”
Trump: “We’ve got the best deals. The *smartest* people. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the weather’s a little better where I’m from. Just saying.”
Angry Canadian: *(Turns to his comrades, who are already passing around poutine and sharpening their skates. He looks back at Trump with a grin.)*
**“This is Canada!”**
*(With an impressive slapshot, he sends a frozen puck flying at Trump’s feet, shattering his fancy shoes. The Canadians cheer as they charge forward, wielding hockey sticks and Tim Hortons mugs like shields.)*
2 months ago
I don’t know about you, but I am.
2 months ago
Not Canadian enough; should have put a “Sorry” before that sentence!
2 months ago
You are, hence the overwhelming support in this and every other thread on Reddit, come on.
2 months ago
Could we have this, but with that weasel Kevin O’Leary getting pitted?
2 months ago
Because since 2010, there was a minor trend in liberal leftist ideologies going a bit too far sometimes, and a few people went on social media saying stupid shit that got conservatives all riled up. And instead of ignoring radicals and focusing on actual progressive politics, moderate leftists were afraid of pushing back and just sort of fell in line.
Then a number of moderate right-wingers and centrists started blaming the left for pushing extremist propaganda and spoke to their audience using simple language and said stupid shit that sounded smart to normal people without fact checking. Which encouraged far-right idiots to push *their* ideologies as a contrast to what people now thought the entire Left demographic was because now there was a warm water to test their crap in and a wider audience.
LGBTQ and women’s rights were in a pretty good spot prior to 2015, and then that all changed with the 2016 election clown show.
Trump started off as a troll suggestion. His insane racist rambling sparked a fire that was already burning because of the last 5 years of right-wingers galvanizing over what they considered to be extremist Left wing replacement values. and Liberals wanted a woman in the white house, so they chose the only woman in america who could possibly lose to Trump and she ran a dog shit campaign thinking she couldn’t possibly lose to this dumb fuck.
But she did. And we had four years of this enormous douchebag eroding the country and the world. Then Ruth Bader Ginsburg died without retiring and succeeding her spot to the next Liberal Supreme Court pick. Conservative Governors and parliament members were empowered to stop Liberals advancing by any means necessary even if it meant playing dirty and the Left just didn’t have the gumption to fight back as hard. So we lost.
Now America has a Conservative stacked supreme court, a billionaire oligarchy, and Russian assets infiltrating the government.
Of course, this meant all the shit show politics have bled into Canada and our far right dumbass provinces who have been brainwashed the past 15 years that the liberal left is literally trying to destroy the country, and they have no actual life or fulfillment so all that extra energy is turned to hatred against us. and they play by no rules. So we lose. We’ve already lost. We can fight, and we can march, and we can riot. But after the Ottawa occupation basically having no consequences, the country was already doomed to repeat American mistakes.
2 months ago
The idea that the US could take Canada by force is ridiculous. Trying to occupy a vast wilderness against dozens of partisan forces would be futile. The benefits to the US would be near zero and the cost would be enormous. This is all just wind. The US already gets access to Canada’s resources through NAFTA.
2 months ago
Most Canadians are like this. While we want Canada better, we don’t want to be anyone else.
2 months ago
We ARE like the OP’s cartoon. Right now we’re quietly glaring at him, listening to him vent. Let him cross the border and see what happens 😡
2 months ago
Because the Americans get really loud and upset
2 months ago
If push comes to shove. I think Canada underestimates the strength of its response to foreign hostility. We have literally one of the most impressive military histories of any modern state. Would you roll over in the face of this monstrosity? I doubt it.
2 months ago
This is Canada Eh
2 months ago
Lots of bots and bootlickers on socials. The vast majority of Canadians despise trump
2 months ago
I loved going to places and visiting USA, I would go to Vegas and gamble, visited some beautiful places, Our closest cousin. They are now threatening Canada, like a bully. Fuck them, and their dysfunctional country. Figure out your shit and start acting like adults
2 months ago
It’s not that you can’t it’s that you won’t because Canadians are classy as fuck and that sort of shit is way below them.
Source: Irish lad visited your country for the summer of 2006 and thinks you are all the absolute fucking business.
2 months ago
Instead of Trump, it should be a pajeet
2 months ago
Please be like this. Ask Zack Snyder to film it, too. Doesn’t even need to be 2hr long! Just this scene on repeat for 30 minutes will guarantee the highest grossing movie of all time 😂
2 months ago
Because that’s a myth ,and Canada is a great country that fought beside us in our darkest hour.
2 months ago
Because our country is being swallowed by American propaganda. We took our attention off of Canadian media preservation when the Internet became a thing, and we’re suffering for it. And any attempts to change course are being vehemently resisted by said propaganda.
2 months ago
Because conservatives would rather do that to trans kids, minorities and women these days than oligarchs.
2 months ago
Because conservatives are bought by US corporations..
2 months ago
Because we have no military and they have the largest military in the world.
2 months ago
Cause dumb people fall for conmen.
2 months ago
Because we have a small small fraction of power that the US has. We would be squashed like a bug if we got hostile with Trump.
If you can’t understand that there is absolutely nothing we can do against a wacko US president that wants to see us burn, I don’t know what to tell you. They can go full economic scorched earth against us and not miss a beat, while we have to rebuild our entire economy from scratch after losing everything.
There is no beefy lumberjack that is going to kick Trump into the abyss. We have to do this diplomatically.
Too much land, not enough money.
Because Canadian conservatives are philosophically in line with MAGA
People say “history repeats itself” but we’re really seeing this happen in motion.
I’m originally from South Korea (moved to Canada in 2004). I don’t know if many people know Korean history but we had a 500-year old dynastic kingdom called Joseon that was around between ~1400-1900. Although we did participate in the Chinese tributary system, it was an independent country with its own monarchy that stood strong and fought off many foreign invasions.
In the 19th century when the Western world started to encroach, the country had two paths 1) modernize and become a strong economy/country that can stand on its own ground or 2) continuously lean on larger powers like China/Japan to prop up the establishment.
Change and progress is hard and painful. So a faction within Korea with the aim of “modernizing the country through the help of other larger nations” started to pressure the government to sign unequal treaties with foreign countries under the guise of “helping Korea evolve”. First it was a port, then it was a military base, then it was a land treaty, etc. etc. Eventually Korea became a “protectorate” or a colony under Japanese rule. This process probably took around 50 years in the making, but in the end, Japan got what they wanted through corrupt Korean officials who were motivated by greed and power. Our own people sold out our country.
Annexation doesn’t happen in a snapshot. It happens gradually over time. What Trump is doing right now is planting a seed in an average Canadian mind that “Canada becoming a 51st state is a great thing!”. Then we got assholes like Kevin O’Leary twerking in the media for attention and kissing Trump’s ring. Canadians must vehemently fight this… Sovereignty can be lost so easily but very hard to reclaim. Canada is a beautiful country, a landmark of Western democracy, and most importantly – our home.
To our Canadian friends,
Please don’t let these people ruin your country. Canada is an inspiration to what we in the US would like to be. MAGA is determined to take us on a path to ruin. They turned what was once a decent political party, and totally perverted it for their own benefit. They are turning fellow Americans of a different ideology into the enemy. I am a devout Democrat and once had respect for my Republican friends. I maintain courtesy and respect, but I am quietly seething for MAGA Republicans. Please do not let this happen to Canada.
One American Friend
Because Canadian subs have a foreign interference problem and something like this doesn’t align with their goals.
Sure we can but tell that to right wingers who want to join the US as 51st state
Anyone stating they want to be a 51st state should be labeled a traitor and pointed out as such.
No exceptions, but here’s some friendly advice for you folk.
Get your American citizenship, move over there, then revoke your Canadian one.
We don’t want you here.
Nukes, that’s why.
Granted some Vietnam-style guerrilla warfare has always been their Achilles heel.
It would appear that the world leaders that tried being adults to Trump during his last go realized that he is in fact a toddler so the best they can do is keep him calm and distract him with shiny stuff.
I’m a immigrant to canada. I moved here from the states but I have roots here. My family is one of the first to settlers to canada. Unfortunately my grandfather gave up his citizenship to fight for the Americans in 2nd world War.
I would die for canada. I moved here because I wanted a better life and my kids to grow up with out being shot at in school.
I will fight.
Please don’t let this fucking tyrant and his goons fuck shit up for your country. Push back and push back hard. We will survive somehow but it’s not gonna be pretty. You’ve got friendly neighbors to the south that love and appreciate your country. The world needs to push this guy into the water face first and not fuck around
I think the average Canadian is. There are just a lot of bots, and traitors being parroted by the media.
What I don’t understand is that when Harper was in power trying to strengthen the military, he got bashed….now we have to consider Russia that wants to control our northern coastline and USA interests on our resources (even though I know Trump is just trolling about the 51st state, I laugh it off) but we were known for our army in the world wars (do some research) the Canadian army was very resourceful, great fighters, brave and ruthless. The Germans took notice, so did the allies…American platoons were often grouped with some Canadian soldiers because they advanced and won more with them at their side…
We need to ensure our military is feared by others who get any ideas. That’s my opinion, I don’t want to rely on our friends.
Lack of military power/ economic power.
Who thinks 8% is a majority of Canada?
We are. You just have to push us far enough to break. Remember the Geneva Suggestions.
There were not even whispers of this last time Trump was President.
It’s all an attempt to impress Putin.
Upvote the hell out of this, so he can see it
Who says we’re not? I’m not going to be an American anytime soon. Whether i can have a machine gun or not!
Don’t be so foolish and weak minded. We are a sovereign nation and will remain so, terrifs or non.
A lot of you don’t seem to understand how NATO works…. It’s not America vs Canada it’s America vs EVERYONE but Russia and China basically if they try to fuck around with Canada.
We can be!
Madness, bless-es CANADA!
We are — in SPIRIT 🔥💪
We are
Because through social media (mostly) eg: boomers who grew up trusting the news at 6, they have been sucked into American nationalistic patriotic propaganda thinking and all that goes with it, but by being inundated with propaganda on things like Facebook. The things people think are ‘news’ makes me shake my head.
Crazy how your average canadian could cross into the US ,and have unfettered access to undefended critical infrastructure. Kinda makes you think….
WE are
Trump: “Look, my Canadian friend, I come in peace. Tremendous peace, okay? Some people are saying this is the best peace offer in history. You join us, we’ll build the biggest, most beautiful trade deal you’ve ever seen. Believe me, it’ll be huge.”
Angry Canadian: “You come into our land, dressed like that, talking smack about maple syrup and Mounties? We don’t need your deals, bud. We’ve got politeness and a solid penalty kill. What do you have, eh?”
Trump: “We’ve got the best deals. The *smartest* people. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the weather’s a little better where I’m from. Just saying.”
Angry Canadian: *(Turns to his comrades, who are already passing around poutine and sharpening their skates. He looks back at Trump with a grin.)*
**“This is Canada!”**
*(With an impressive slapshot, he sends a frozen puck flying at Trump’s feet, shattering his fancy shoes. The Canadians cheer as they charge forward, wielding hockey sticks and Tim Hortons mugs like shields.)*
I don’t know about you, but I am.
Not Canadian enough; should have put a “Sorry” before that sentence!
You are, hence the overwhelming support in this and every other thread on Reddit, come on.
Could we have this, but with that weasel Kevin O’Leary getting pitted?
Because since 2010, there was a minor trend in liberal leftist ideologies going a bit too far sometimes, and a few people went on social media saying stupid shit that got conservatives all riled up. And instead of ignoring radicals and focusing on actual progressive politics, moderate leftists were afraid of pushing back and just sort of fell in line.
Then a number of moderate right-wingers and centrists started blaming the left for pushing extremist propaganda and spoke to their audience using simple language and said stupid shit that sounded smart to normal people without fact checking. Which encouraged far-right idiots to push *their* ideologies as a contrast to what people now thought the entire Left demographic was because now there was a warm water to test their crap in and a wider audience.
LGBTQ and women’s rights were in a pretty good spot prior to 2015, and then that all changed with the 2016 election clown show.
Trump started off as a troll suggestion. His insane racist rambling sparked a fire that was already burning because of the last 5 years of right-wingers galvanizing over what they considered to be extremist Left wing replacement values. and Liberals wanted a woman in the white house, so they chose the only woman in america who could possibly lose to Trump and she ran a dog shit campaign thinking she couldn’t possibly lose to this dumb fuck.
But she did. And we had four years of this enormous douchebag eroding the country and the world. Then Ruth Bader Ginsburg died without retiring and succeeding her spot to the next Liberal Supreme Court pick. Conservative Governors and parliament members were empowered to stop Liberals advancing by any means necessary even if it meant playing dirty and the Left just didn’t have the gumption to fight back as hard. So we lost.
Now America has a Conservative stacked supreme court, a billionaire oligarchy, and Russian assets infiltrating the government.
Of course, this meant all the shit show politics have bled into Canada and our far right dumbass provinces who have been brainwashed the past 15 years that the liberal left is literally trying to destroy the country, and they have no actual life or fulfillment so all that extra energy is turned to hatred against us. and they play by no rules. So we lose. We’ve already lost. We can fight, and we can march, and we can riot. But after the Ottawa occupation basically having no consequences, the country was already doomed to repeat American mistakes.
The idea that the US could take Canada by force is ridiculous. Trying to occupy a vast wilderness against dozens of partisan forces would be futile. The benefits to the US would be near zero and the cost would be enormous. This is all just wind. The US already gets access to Canada’s resources through NAFTA.
Most Canadians are like this. While we want Canada better, we don’t want to be anyone else.
We ARE like the OP’s cartoon. Right now we’re quietly glaring at him, listening to him vent. Let him cross the border and see what happens 😡
Because the Americans get really loud and upset
If push comes to shove. I think Canada underestimates the strength of its response to foreign hostility. We have literally one of the most impressive military histories of any modern state. Would you roll over in the face of this monstrosity? I doubt it.
This is Canada Eh
Lots of bots and bootlickers on socials. The vast majority of Canadians despise trump
I loved going to places and visiting USA, I would go to Vegas and gamble, visited some beautiful places, Our closest cousin. They are now threatening Canada, like a bully. Fuck them, and their dysfunctional country. Figure out your shit and start acting like adults
It’s not that you can’t it’s that you won’t because Canadians are classy as fuck and that sort of shit is way below them.
Source: Irish lad visited your country for the summer of 2006 and thinks you are all the absolute fucking business.
Instead of Trump, it should be a pajeet
Please be like this. Ask Zack Snyder to film it, too. Doesn’t even need to be 2hr long! Just this scene on repeat for 30 minutes will guarantee the highest grossing movie of all time 😂
Because that’s a myth ,and Canada is a great country that fought beside us in our darkest hour.
Because our country is being swallowed by American propaganda. We took our attention off of Canadian media preservation when the Internet became a thing, and we’re suffering for it. And any attempts to change course are being vehemently resisted by said propaganda.
Because conservatives would rather do that to trans kids, minorities and women these days than oligarchs.
Because conservatives are bought by US corporations..
Because we have no military and they have the largest military in the world.
Cause dumb people fall for conmen.
Because we have a small small fraction of power that the US has. We would be squashed like a bug if we got hostile with Trump.
If you can’t understand that there is absolutely nothing we can do against a wacko US president that wants to see us burn, I don’t know what to tell you. They can go full economic scorched earth against us and not miss a beat, while we have to rebuild our entire economy from scratch after losing everything.
There is no beefy lumberjack that is going to kick Trump into the abyss. We have to do this diplomatically.