The real problem

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Because the sound of eating chips is literally inside your head

when you have to stop chewing for a second so you don’t miss what they’re saying

Unfortunately, the TV speakers don’t happen to be inside your skull

The other reason for needing subtitles

where do u even find these pictures? they look so badass

The real struggle is eating chips quietly in a house full of people who can hear you through walls.

I swear, the louder I chew, the more my family pretends they can’t hear the TV.

Also try closing your mouth while you chew

Solution is to get wireless headphones for the tv. Now the sound of you eating and the sound from the tv are now *both* in your head!

well, it’s directly in your skull

Hopefully you are american and not british…

I thought for sure I was going to see the family guy clip of Peter eating chips next to Anne Frank

There may be correlation between the max volume setting and the hearing skill issue

It’s because the noise is coming from inside the house

Fuck the TV, it drowns out my thoughts.

There’s a funny how I met your mother episode like this

Try earphones

I’m guessing this joke doesn’t land as well in the UK.




Where did you get this template?

Volume on 50 eating chips and 15 not eating chips

So, where is this image from??

I have lost a bit of hearing capability because of my job (around heavy machinery). I get very frustrated whenever this happens thinking my condition is getting worse.

Just gaining karma

Forget monsters under the bed; I’m more afraid of what my snack crunching sounds like when my show’s too quiet.

This just makes me think of Grizzy Fat Moments at this point, because of Blarg’s stories from one of the cons they went to, and Blarg trying to sleep as he heard Grizzy just CRUNCHING down in the pitch dark.

I can’t do justice to how funny it was hearing that story the first time.

Where is this pic from? Or artist?

Nothing like the epic struggle of enjoying chips while sounding like you just summoned an ancient beast. This is pure snacking chaos, and honestly, we all know the real challenge is trying to be stealthy when the crunch is louder than the movie…

your mouth is literally in your head, obviously it sounds louder

It’s interesting. The developers of chips made them be as crunchy as possible because somehow, psychologically, more crunch means you’ll eat more.

especially at night

esp when someone is sleeping nearby lol

The struggle is real

I remember reading up on this when I was younger because I wanted to know why it bothered me so much. I think they called it selective sound sensitivity syndrome? the crunching of chips and mouth noises make me want to slide the top of my skull off with a shotgun. shits annoying

Honestly, I feel personally attacked by my own snack crunching, especially when I’m trying to watch something.

I always use it as an excuse for not hearing my mom while I watch lol

Have you considered a sound system? You can get a modest 5.1.2 dolby configuration pretty cheap if you’re willing to shop around

Hmm, I thought chips were sold by weight not volume

This as caused by the tensor tympani muscle. Chewing is actually really loud, and would deafen us over time. This muscle protects by contracting when we move our jaw, quieting sounds. The world going quit while you are yawning is the same effect and easier to notice. So it isn’t that the chewing is way louder than the tv, it is that chewing temporally reduces your hearing.

you may have too much wax, or an ear infection you haven’t noticed.

can i take it?

I wear headphones when I watch so i can hear it better

Captions are always helpful

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