Watch a vid of him playing PoE2 and he has no clue what he’s doing and talking about, yet he’s high rank on hardcore. What’s the point of paying someone else to play their account and lie about it, who tf are you impressing? Super pathetic.
Does it even matter? His dick-riders are so devoted to him that he could literally come out and say he condones rape and they would be fine with it. In fact, given that many of them are neckbeards, they might love him even more.
2 months ago
Hahahaha dudes posting in a meme sub….#foh
2 months ago
I hope he never plays eve online
2 months ago
If my time was worth that much money I wouldn’t be doing the grind part of a grindy game either, tbh
Like it takes hundreds of hours to even start doing fun content in a lot of grindy games. If most could afford to pay to skip all that bullshit, they wouldn’t hesitate.
Watch a vid of him playing PoE2 and he has no clue what he’s doing and talking about, yet he’s high rank on hardcore. What’s the point of paying someone else to play their account and lie about it, who tf are you impressing? Super pathetic.
Does it even matter? His dick-riders are so devoted to him that he could literally come out and say he condones rape and they would be fine with it. In fact, given that many of them are neckbeards, they might love him even more.
Hahahaha dudes posting in a meme sub….#foh
I hope he never plays eve online
If my time was worth that much money I wouldn’t be doing the grind part of a grindy game either, tbh
Like it takes hundreds of hours to even start doing fun content in a lot of grindy games. If most could afford to pay to skip all that bullshit, they wouldn’t hesitate.
Nah he doesn’t have enough time for that