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Many of the leaders in my company do this as well. It’s good practice for them to model this behavior. You should add this to your email signature as well.

Don’t shoot this CEO.

The real hero

I had to read that twice just to make sure I hadn’t lost my mind.

FYI, that’s a standard disclaimer used in international companies that have local presence in Germany and France. To prevent risk of any non-compliance claims from local labor unions

Another mario mangione should start saving these ceos for breeding and create a positive workplace.

CEO has a bad connotation (not undeserved) but in reality just the guy who runs the company. Like everything, the person who runs a small business is likely to be like this

When you don’t respond until tomorrow:

“Just following up, why hasn’t this time worked for you yet?”

The Executive Director at my work does this. What would be leagues better, though, would be if we all just used schedule-send if we’re working outside of normal hours. It’s so easy to do that IMO, leaving the actual timestamp on it is just value-signaling that they’re working harder and later than everyone else. Which isn’t reasonable or true.

Meanwhile, our CEO/Managing Director: “Reply immediately!”

Luigi don’t go after this one.

You can write an email and then schedule it to be sent later. Like during the hours I’m being paid.

What a nice note.

These are the kind of bosses I’d happily work for and maybe even go out of my way to do a little extra 

Someone should hack Elon’s sig to be like that.

I’ll respond to emails at 5AM. But I have an understanding with my manager that I get to sleep in. I don’t even usually start working until 2pm. It works.

Meanwhile my direct supervisor at my last “normal” job told me that if I needed to come in at 7 or 8 and stay until 6 or 7 to finish the absolute mountain of shit that was given to me after 3 months on the job, that’s what she expected I would do.

This message is narcolepsy approved!

Fear The People mother fuckers

Why not schedule the mail to send during working outs or our the disclaimer at the beginning of the mail ? Still shitty imo

*reply three weeks later

Bros invited to the BBQ

Leaving aside overseas issues, a local manager could set it so it doesnt turn up till the appropriate business hours. Its ‘nice’ but it still means you have to be set up to not see it. Sure its a ‘choice’ to not act on it, but there are lots of indirect ways you can still feel a pressure to read or respond out of hours if you know theyre being sent then.

It’s a trap. Reply immediately and do whatever they need you to do. No employer cares about work/home management. You’ll be jobless if you don’t reply

I wonder if the guy is australian, I know many companies around the world do say things like this but that particular wording is also something I got just after some new laws came into place here which basically said employees do not have to respond out out of hours.

Why one is checking work email “after hours” is my main question.


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