They never accept a NO

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Maga entitlement in full swing

Hate to throw out facts here, but we did just spend twenty years in Afghanistan, spent about $2 trillion dollars. And apart from some dead Americans, we have absolutely nothing to show for it. Although I’d wager the next generation of terrorists now have a better rallying call.

Now these ridiculous idiots are casually talking about rolling our military out (note: won’t be any of their family members on the front line), to invade our nearest neighbor and major trading partner.

Even if they got their delusional wish, it could trigger WWIII, it could decimate our economy, and regardless of outcome, there’s no way the average MAGA person would be better off because of it.

We’re basically acting like the toxic drunk in the bar who becomes increasingly belligerent and then tries to start a fist fight with their own friends.

Says the impotent piece of shit sitting behind a desk.

Watters needs another good public dressing down from his Mom.

What’s funny is when he says he wants to invade, he doesn’t mean him personally. He would cower and cry the second someone even walked up to him with threats.

I remember these right-wing idiots used to get angry at being reminded on America’s imperialist behaviour and now?

They LOVE it.

The USA is broken.

Fucking self-centered idiots. They think the world is their oyster.

When your President is a rapist, what do you expect?

Is this all to draw away from his trials or are MAGA already going pro war?

I have a theory that all this talk about invading Canada, Greenland and the Panama canal, is a way of getting out of NATO. Putin wants more power in Europe, and USA getting out of NATO is the most obvious way. And, Trump is still Putin’s lapdog.

So disgusting

you guys this is legitimately just like literally another dimension

none of this is business as usual but everybody’s going abt business as usual just while yelling really loud to each other “hey guys y’all see that?!” “yup saw it” “that’s against like 12 laws and the geneva conventions right?” “yup” “ok”

i cannot believe what im experiencing in this country rn like we’re supposed to have a whole government protecting us from *exactly this* right?? we have laws, ppl broke them, god fucking bless america *arrest them*

also really feel like all those 2nd amendment red white and maga walking talking arsenals are missing their big chance to finally show us how ready they are to defend us all against that govt takeover like this is what y’all been absolutely screeching abt right? *this is why y’all said we had to sacrifice all those little children isn’t it?*

I don’t think MAGA signed up for this. Let’s see how long they can stay on their knees at Donald’s tit.

I do so hope they ban Fox News in Canada.

Well, lets see Watters sign up and be on the front line, if he’s that keen.

Canucks will skin him alive.

Send him to the front line and he’ll soon change his mind.

What’s he been de in bling for that thirst until now?

This fucking guy could not fight his way out of a paper bag. Big talk for a small brain.

Are you saying, “Birds of a feather rape together”?

What happened to “starting wars is bad”?

He should quench it on the front line, come now in winter. We would not even need to shoot the fucker, the cold will get them.

It is insane that they parrot whatever the orange fuckwad says, even something that could have apocalyptic implications

Watters doesn’t want me to take ownership of his house. We’ll see.

this is like thos russian national tv hosts that advocate to invade london

I thought trump was going to end all wars. Now he wants to start 3 new ones? /s

If Faux News had any balls they’d fire that asshat for being a fascist fck.

Canadian law bars anyone guilty of Sexual Assult from being Leader, so he has to invade.

But no problem in a country that increasingly puts in place laws that allow rapists to choose the mother of their child! She gets no say, then why would a sovereign nation!??

Dear America, are you feeling okay? Do you need to talk to someone?

Also, please dear God, tell me that isn’t a real quote

Watters is such a dumbfuck

This reads like news from Russia, god damn it.

Waters is insane

How about instead of actually invading a country, they play Civilization. A much cheaper/safer way to scratch that itch. Hell, those MAGA idiots could pick up Crusader Kings and also scratch that incest itch of theirs too.

Isn’t this the guy whose mom called in to disinvite him from Thanksgiving?

Maybe a Canadian bayonet to the guts will quench that thirst, you POS. See you on the front lines?

I have a thirst for putting [redacted] through the skulls of fascists…

It’s crazy that you people don’t know how to take a joke when it comes from someone with different political views than you.

How about stop paying attention to this stupid bullshit entirely

How have you people not learned how the Trump media trolling cycle works yet, jesus christ you’re dense if you think any of this shit is real or consequential or if you think you’re impressing everyone by showing how smart and correct you are for epically owning le drumpf. Nobody cares and all you’re doing is playing the stupid inconsequential slapfight distraction game.

it looks like someone has to teach them a no once and for all

Motherfucker is going to slash every Canadians tires lol

Dumbasses over there wants to start the Next Afghanistan War except with Canada next door. Only fools wanted a war.

Is there a clip actually showing them saying this?


Putin when he talks about Ukraine.

This looks just like the board of media yes men putin use to express their wants and plans. This is a massive threat to the whole world as all of the bigger powers in the world are openly unhinged and flap around under some stupid wants of few. Terrifying.

Jessie Watters in full army cosplay uniform mincing across the border, meets our hockey dude Biz Nasty who bitch-slaps him back to the US with his thirst quenched by the blood in his sissy mouth.

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