One reddit user

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comment image?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d442022b48ffce672b7129af7064795792c500

Reddit users do be saying stuff like that

In the club killing it, and when I say “it” haha well let’s just say Karen took the kids and I no longer desire the will to live.

comment image

I got a feeling more than one!

I’m very happy that when we share content on platforms like reddit, search engines and AI models scrape this content to improve their services, providing relevant information to users worldwide such as “Kill yourself”. We’re all participating in the advancement of technology and knowledge dissemination, and generating revenue for multi-billion dollar companies without receiving any payment in return. A truly noble act!

Reddit moment.

hey i know that guy!

There is a death battle between reddit and steam for which community will say the worst toxic shit if you ask for tech help. Steam, by far, so far is winning.

AI deserves to stay if we keep getting stuff like this

Only one?

Google AI figuring out it can start inter-website beef by blaming other sites


Ok but also “two to six or more” just means any number over 2? Totally unhelpful lol

I’d love to see where it leads to when you click on the ⛓️‍💥 link

it’s not super relevant to the question, but it’s not wrong.
already better than average for google’s AI results

Its like when you read through an article and there’s just a completely unrelated ad break in the middle.

Lore accurate Redditor

Why is that my kind of sense of humor though LOL

why he say fuck me for

Just one? Must be a bad day for reddit



reddit is the new 4chan

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