This where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?

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does that work for mosques and synagogues too? if yes. i’m fine with it.

or maybe find a way to stop big pharma to make everything so god damn expensive with their 80% mark ups?

Tax all religious churches that make over a certain threshold, if a pastor can afford a jet he has to pay taxes

I dont know how in USA but Catholic Church is biggest provider of humanitarian aid globally.

I just read that CC build 38000 units of houses for most needed in USA like Veterans and single mothers.

Im still for taxation but i would hope that church tax would go directly to the poor and needed and not to Army. As You know USA dosent have problem with money but rather priorities

You know, if we closed tax loopholes we’d suddenly have a lot of money that could go to taking care of people…

Tremors is the best movie ever

His face says all

Anything that has to come from someone elses work is not a right.

Another made up enemy. Any1 seriously believe more taxes on church would be able to fund trillions worth of healthcare expenditures?

Anything other than decreasing the military spending? Right.

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