Elon rolling a joint in his baby furrsona onesie leaked on Twitter by a Bay Area tech worker

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Does posting this on Twitter aka X, gets you banned?

hahaha! A now he has morphed into his final form – a 15 year old edgelord virgin.

Honestly that’s the most relatable he’s ever been. Not that I don’t still think he’s an asshole

People will either meme this into oblivion or conspiracy-thread it to hell. Either way, it’s peak internet lore now.

i guess he lied about never smoking weed prior to joe rogen


At what point do you think they’ll try to take all his toys away from him? He’s getting pretty close. Loose cannon on X as well, joining trump in trying to intimidate allies. Also loads of trolling lately.

He’s gonna be furious 

I’m ok with this. This doesn’t matter.

The election interference, the sexual harassment or whatever of his employees and unsafe working conditions. That shit matters.

This is a 53 year old ~~man~~ child.

Joe Rogan turned him out.

Stop humanizing this asshole.

The world’s richest, biggest douchebag.

When i think this dude couldn’t possibly get more embarrassing, I am provided with evidence in the contrary.

The richest man in the world is a fucking babyfur, let that sink in

Isn’t there a prohibition on marijuana users to hold government contracts?

I don’t want to see any Americans shit talk any other country any time soon; this is your president ya freaks

The outfit is odd, but I don’t know the context and otherwise see nothing wrong here

and to think — this was the top for him.

The only thing that would sink Musk at this point is if he starts agreeing with Democrats and supporting liberal policies. Because the people supporting him say they’re at war with Democrats and liberals who they call “the enemy”. That’s it.


They’re going to take away his government contracts right because of his drug usage.

And then he set Southern California on fire

This is what happens when you’re rich & powerful and everybody near you is afraid to tell you “no”.

> Elon Musk got on stage, skipping around like a dipshit

Also what is he doing? Shouldn’t he be working his ass off?

I’m sure he wanted this posted right?

Who gives a sh#%

Why’s it seem like he’s outside and inside at the same time?

And this guy has the ear of the US President. And he looks so lonely in the pic…lmao!

Okay first off fuck that guy and second off.. just because I wear a onesie that looks like an animal doesn’t mean im a furry. Let me be comfortable without judgement.

Seriously can we just not post about him for atleast a day? I’m not an Elnon fanboy or smth I’m just tired of seeing him 3 times a day on my feed

Elon low-key a freak. Wonder why he’s going so hard on behalf of the puritans. Shame? 🤨

Great, this sub Reddit used to be for cool and interesting pictures but now it’s for some lame schmucks like all of you looking for their ‘gotcha’ moment against someone who doesn’t care

It’s a generic owl onesie you can buy off Amazon for $20; not some kind of babyfur fursona…

Correct title should be “Elon wearing owl pyjamas”

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