Cat Comic

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Love your art style

Also this is an adorable cat

Gasp a woman with political opinions?????

What next? Comics as a medium to express one’s feelings and views on different topics?

Hello, Mr. Boopy!

Mr. Boopy, you’ve done it again.

Boo! Stick to political comics!

The only really awful comic of your political opinions you’ve done was the one where you imply that men don’t face denial and victim blaming when they get assaulted. Most of them are solid.

Any artist should be free to express their political opinions, as long as they are aware that doing so will bring judgement from people who disagree with their political opinions.

Also, there will always be people who just don’t want politics mentioned at all, I say they can just skip the comic and move on to one that doesn’t involve a political message.

Which cat will come with the slogan “Eat the rich!”?

Dog owners rise up against cat comics!


I will follow Mr. Boopy to the ends of the Earth on his quest to end the patriarchy.

Boopy for president right meow

Thatโ€™s just a normal cat. Whereโ€™s the joke?
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I love you, Mr. Boopy.

I’m here to find out what Mr. Boopy has to say next!

“Mr. Boopy who is your favorite political figure?”


Same, Mr. Boopy. Same.

Perfect response. No notes.

Draw a cat luigi

I donโ€™t mean this as an insult but I just realized that your OC kinda looks like a muppet

“Shes a *WITCH*!:

i loved this art and cat awnnnnn mr. boopy this name hahaha i agree with this cat, the cat mr.boopy should be president instead of stinky orange thank you for creating good comics and don’t listen to trolls and idiots, you’re amazing and we support you <3

But cats are outside of politics! You ruined cats for me forever!

Go crazy on it

This is almost as bad as one of my comics. Have you been taking lessons?

I respect your political opinions as long as you don’t disrespect me should we not agree. That goes for mr Boopy too.

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