Ben Shapiro trying to go after Trudeau but…

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The irony of a Jewish man wanting to send someone to a forced labor camp is just gross.

Amazing how fast we went from “No more wars” to “Let’s invade Canada”.

I guess that’s what you need to do to change the topic from how absolutely incompetent your cabinet nominees are…

“Nationalism does nothing but make you hate people you’ve never met. Then all of the sudden you start taking credit for accomplishments you had no part in whatsoever” – Doug Stanhope.

I love this “we” talk as if he would ever have anything to do with taking anything.

The fuck timeline have we slipped into? Why are these idiots talking about taking over Canada? Are they happy to hand 2026 to the Dems?

Ben had zero friends growing up and it’s always been painfully cringe and obvious.

Take Canada? Bro you’re 4 feet tall shut up

LoL he’s a tiny little troll not even a man. He’s only tough behind a computer screen or 100 person security detail. Women laugh at him.

Lol if Canadians had to choose between the US and the Crown I’m certain they’d pick the Crown every day of the week

A fascist* whose party is currently in power talks about conquering a supposedly allied country and shipping political opponents from there off to hard labor camps in yet another by that time conquered supposedly allied country. This is clearly a trend as even on the big man himself on the campaign trail talked about deporting opponents or executing them by means of firing squad, and several of the most important people in the movement have recently openly discussed which allies they would like to invade first. And yet the brilliant comeback that makes it onto Murdered by Words is “Yeah? Well you’re bad at sex.”

We’re all fucked, aren’t we? We’re fucked and our pussies aren’t even wet.

*Yes, we can call him that. Why? See the rest of that sentence.

So, they want to take over Canada and then send them to slave camps? Wow. And these people were angry that others were calling them nazis. Really proving those people wrong, huh? 🙄

I thought slavery was (more or less) illegal in America?

If after puberty my voice sounded like Ben’s, I would never attempt to sound tough.

The macho midget strikes again.

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think Ben Shapiro is smart

Ben should volunteer to go. Closest he’s going to get to a wet canal

He is never going to live that down…


Ben Shapiro is a piece of shit. Useless garbage

I wanna fist fight him so bad

These people have reached previously undiscovered levels of cringe. Levels of cringe that have only been theorized to exist. Unprecedented levels of cringe.

And just like that MAGA stopped talking about inflation right before the inauguration

his initials tell the whole story

So Shapiro doesn’t see the irony of a “famous Jewish” talking head talking about invading another country, expelling people and sending them to a work camp? /s


Shots fired

“When WE take Canada”. LOL. Who’s we? He’s including himself in there? What’s he going to do? That genuinely made me laugh.

lol “when” we take Canada

(Canadian here)


Go fuck yourself, you cultist troll. Your dear leader certainly has.

I’d love to knock this cock sucker out

Hopefully all these fucking clowns that keep trolling this nonsense will be on the front lines with their family and children. They want it so bad, their blood should be the first to spill.

Shapiro is a Thiel tool. Without that cash he would never have penetrated a market dep enough to be relevant.

He is just a Thiel media venture.

I thought Shapiro was gay? He’s married to a woman?

I think Shapiro secretly wants Trudeau to work his canal.

To all family members of the US Military. Posts like this is why your loved one died

-future warning message from the WOKE WARRIORS

Its evergreen.

It will never not be funny.

How are conservatives now all Gung ho on invading motherfucking Canada.

The trump cult can’t truly be that strong, can it?

Tf does that even mean “work the canals”? The canal has been complete for a century babe.

Such a punchable human

Canadian here👋 there’s always been a part of growing up in this country that u kinda expected if shit really hit the fan the states would execute there right to take Canada. We just thought it would be during ww3 not just cause dumb fuck orange potato thought it would help Putin.

oooh this

Normal people who never thought of “take canada” : wut

Listen to Popsicle Toes by Michael Franks, and then realise what is meant by Panama. Ben wouldn’t get to dock his boat.

Which one can’t do that? I’m thinking Ben

Better get used to having to change it to *”moose of a man”* Bennyboy.

Ah, Shapiro. The right’s second favorite pick-me.

When Canada gets unjustly invaded hopefully there will be groups out there to get political talking heads. I’ll definitely be giving Canadian intelligence their locations. Daily.

These asswipes are steadily increasing the temperature in the pot. There’ll be consequences soon enough if they don’t quit while they’re ahead.

Isn’t actively threatening war against your *allies* and *neighbours* a violation of some treaty or other? Like, both the USA and Canada are members of NATO, sooo what gives?

It seems like Trump believes that saying he wants a country is enough for said country to become Trumps.

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