This is actually terrifying

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This looks so uncanny that it actually looks fictional, especially from that perspective

We get heaps of bushfires in Australia that look pretty wild but there’s something particularly dystopian about how that’s burning through an area with so much lighting.

That fire is wild

How common are wildfires in the wintertime in the US?

Remarkable and TERRIFYING photo.

My god, i used to live right on the edge of the evacuation zone. This is insane, its like what happened to santa rosa a few years back, except times a thousand

It’s particularly bad this year because of the lack of rain. We have had very little rain since May of last year. Prior to that, we had double out regular rainfall for two years in a row. This helped grow an abundance of fuel. Fuel that is now dry because of the lack of rain. Add to that the extreme Santa Ana wind event. This event featured winds up to 90 mph in places. There is no way to contain a wild fire under those conditions.
How this relates to climate change is it is an example of the extremes that are more likely because of the additional energy in the atmosphere. We went from extremely wet, by our standards, to extremely dry. We got an extremely strong Santa Ana because of the extreme differences between the low pressure system over AZ and the high pressure system over the Pacific.

Stranger Things film set getting a little out of hand

I had to scroll to #49 on r/all to see a single post about the fires. Top 50 is nothing but Elon Musk. Reddit is a husk that needs to be put down like Meta and Twitter.

I wish this didn’t have negative connotations with it because it would otherwise be a very cool image.

Coming to a Canada near you this summer!!!

Can’t just blame climate change, cities need to be very prepared for these events. From the looks of it, California was way under prepared. As an Australian, we should be working closely with Americans to put more strategies in place for these kinds of events. Events of this scale are the new normal.

That’s fucking nuts.

Would this affect the lift, I seen videos of RC helicopters and drone when they fly over fire, they lose lift and fall, would this differ?

This view gives a good perspective to the scale of what’s going on.

This looks so surreal yet heartbreaking. Do hope people with their friends including furry ones and families could find a path to be safe and well.

Would there be some altitude limit or air corridor changes if a forest fire has got this big and unpredictable by the way? It won’t be as bad as volcanic ashes for sure but could affect maybe?

So sad.

Looks like Gaza…

# Yes, Los Angeles cut $17.6 million from the fire department’s budget

I mean LA is hell so it just seems appropriate that is a burning inferno.

It’s time to pray 🙏 and get right with Jesus Christ! Repent and turn form your sins today is the day of salvation. Jesus coming back is real and will happen if you believe it or not. It’s time to turn from the calling of the world.

To be honest this is better than every other day In LA. It’s cut a chunk of the bullshit out and got people either giving a shit about their fellow man or have a mental breakdown over something of legitimately concern instead of the usual. As an Australian my heart goes out to those that lost there homes. But as Australian. You know you’re prone to bush fires and earthquakes. Why have you not sorted your shit out… Looks at at US government… Yeah sorry about that chaps.

Learn to swim

I know we talk a lot about people’s homes but just imagine all the wildlife down there 🙁

I mean, yeah, it’s terrible. But holy, the fire is stunning. Pure power, one small flame and several miles of earth burning. If anything, the “small flame” is just for example, I don’t know how all this started.

It’s very frustrating to see people using this disaster to blame the state government for incompetence. It’s very difficult for most people to really understand the what an overwhelming force these fires are.

It’s like saying that Fl has enough beaches to produce an infinite amount of sand bags so hurricane flooding should never be an issue.

Where was that taken

Welcome in the effect of climate change. Let’s not act surprised we were kind of warned…


This legitimately looks like the opening cutscene to dead island 2

Horizon: Burning Shores flash back right there.

 Ironic that Sony just announced the movie for the first one a couple days ago.

Upvote for not using the word literally. 

Holy shit, the plane’s on fire!

Wait, phew, that’s not the plane.

… Wait no that’s a huge forest fire!

The fact we have all these things that can cause this or worse, missiles, bombs, nuclear weapons etc they still dont have anything to contain wild fire in an instant…

Holy shit, wow. That’s terrifying 

Ending of resident evil 5

Probably how it would look if it got attacked by napalm or similar. Lets hope they can put it out soon


Mom’s gonna fix it up soon…

nice try diddy

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