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Do you really want to grow up? Seems boring and troublesome.

HELP, I need and adultier adult!

We’re never done growing, and we can always keep on improving, learning new things and obtain more experience.

I dunno, I think it’s good to keep dreaming and wondering what kind of person you want to grow into.

This was me. By 35 I was back in school and I earn my doctorate in Physical Therapy at 43. I’m now 51 and still loving it! Worry not; it’s never too late!

More like wondering how you can make a living doing stuff you enjoy.

Moisturized and in your lane or whatever

I’ve been 30 for 30 years

43, pretty sure I don’t want to be anything when I grow up

This is why you should ask little kids what they wanna be when they grow up to get some good ideas for yourself. Hmmmm Billy says fireman but Susie wants to be a nurse.

There wasn’t a manual for this shit, i want a refund!

is that an O and not a zero

Growing up is just leveling up in a game where the final boss is your own expectations.

When I got visit my Dads nursing home the people 40-80 there still act like kids, all of them.

i’m 77 and still don’t know what i want to be when i grow up.

i do have a huge list of what i don’t want to be, so that’s something, i guess.

Same but the wonder is slowly turning to apathy

*30s with knee pain

Bestie it’s too early for this 😭

Or 40s, gosh waterproof phones are amazing

I’d like to become happy

I’ll be 40 in two month. Still wondering…

I wanna be like wiz khalifa

Life doesn’t wait

Someone else 🥲

This is real. I’m 41 and I went back to school for nursing. It’s not my dream to be a nurse but I think it’s a stable career.

I had different jobs in my 20’s and 30’s. Some good, some not so good. Had a lot of fun.

My advice would be to stick with one job and move up the best you can over time. I know that’s easier said than done especially when you don’t care that much for the job you’re in. But that’s okay. You don’t have to love your job, almost nobody does. You just have to tolerate it and recognize what you have.


Except I’m 27.

Me at 46…


How tf did you get a pic of me in the shower

I’m in this photo and I’m crying

Be someone who goes out of their way today to be kind and brighten someone’s day. I promise you won’t regret it.

Me fr

Still doing it in my 40’s

don’t stay the same. Always look towards attainment.

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