The ultimate karen

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This is actually badass

The Legendary Super-Karen

Am I the only one who can’t unsee Linda Hamilton?

Was she actually a Karen or is it just her hairstyle? Man I feel bad for her if a rando just post her picture online to mock her hairstyle.

This isn’t even her final form.

Is this some celebrity, or is OP a POS who took a picture of a random stranger and put it on the internet to mock her?

you’re no longer dealing with your average karen anymore.

Nah. She’s pretty stylish and got no time for silly shit. May steal your wife tho

Super sayan 2

I tried my entire teenage years to make my hair look like that.

I hope this isn’t a picture of a random person

Honestly? Gotta respect the fit.
She looks like a national park ranger who will uppercut you into next week if you leave your trash behind.

Bruh that is one of the most realistic super saiyan hair ever.


Bit quick on calling her a Karen just from the look.

I actually like her hairstyle.

Are you calling her a Karen because of her countenance, edgy hairstyle, or because of her body type and age ?

This lady may be the nicest person you ever met.

Who knows ?

Perhaps I’m missing something here ?

That is unironically the best irl super Saiyan hair I have ever seen


This sub is so cool, I love how we can easily mock random people by the way they act and look.

Just take a picture of someone and mock them…

So much misogyny in this thread. Why can’t we just let this woman go even further beyond in peace?

I haven’t seen ANY post here that indicates this woman is actually a Karen. You lot are ragging on some woman for no real reason other than OP posted a pic and said here’s a Karen for you to make fun of.

Assuming that pic is not AI, I wonder if she could potentially sue the lot of you for libel.

That’s an epic haircut

I’m actually getting chaotic good “cool auntie” vibes here. Bet she tips like 30% on everything and cracks jokes with everyone she interacts with

How much of your life have you spent being 4’5″? Six months? Have some empathy.

tbh this hair is rad as hell

That’s a Thunder Cat! Not a Karen

Just take a picture of a random person without their consent so internet can laugh at them.


Dragon Ball K

Vageta’s mom over here.

Can we stop taking pictures of random people and making fun of them?

Sick hairstyle

Also would

Super karyajin 2

Super Karen 2


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