Fuck inflation

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It’s not inflation, it’s just greed. Stop giving them money and the inflation will go away


Yo ho

Its 2025, streaming sites are free. I use 123movies

Cancel all your services. Build a Plex server, download the “servarr stack” never pay for content again, and it never disappears from your collection

Even if you have to buy SOME parts, it pays itself off in a year or less when you factor in not paying for HBO, Netflix etc.

Max is free with AT&T mobile service

But also….


You are on reddit buddy… check r/piracy… wink wink

try free websites for movies..


So pirate if you’d prefer.

Or accept that there’s some things you can’t afford/don’t want to pay for.

Personally, it’s not worth the time and effort for me.

It’s not inflation, it’s corporate greed.

I wanted to watch Den of Thieves so I can watch the sequel in a few days and there had to be about seven ad breaks. They totally interrupted the tension and action multiple times, just aggravating.

While the 7 seas may seem lonely, you will be amongst friends.


Yarrr Matey

cricket gives you max for free. if anyone has them as a service provider

Piracy my friend

How dare you get me excited? I thought The IT Crowd was on Max! Now who is going to tell me to turn my computer off and on again?

Its 35 bucks for Max, DisneyPlus, and Hulu combo for now.

When OP doesn’t know how to use google



Hoist the flag, raise the sails! On this day we ride under pale sky! Swab the deck, Arm the guns! We will not stop till the battle is won!

I only get MAX when they do the cheap deals…right now I pay $3 a month for 6 months so I’m fine with that.

I wouldn’t pay full price tho lmao

$16/m is very fucking expensive?


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