Intelligence vs. Incelligence

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Here’s a pro tip. If you’re trying to use evolutionary biology to explain your dating life, you’ve taken a major wrong turn somewhere. It doesn’t even matter your reasons or conclusions. The universe needs to slap you at that point.

To be fair strategic knowledge of how Germany could have won WWII is just “don’t attack Russia” underlined twice.

I’m attracted to nerdtelligence. Intelligence about nerdy shit like DnD (as a DnD nerd myself), pokemon, anime, video games. Shit like that.

Men will spend their lives debating with other men what women want and never ask an actual woman

I, as a woman, would like to distance myself from both statements.

I love this. But then again, I’ve always had a thing for nerdy guys. ❤️

Them boobs though holyyyyyyyyyy

Pro tip to incels, Germany never would’ve won WW2

I don’t know how many times it needs to be said, but *women are not monolithic*.

Different women will like different things in a partner. Find the one(s) that share your interests or with whom you are personally compatible.

The moment you stop thinking “Women want x and y” (*Coldplay intensifies*) is the moment you will actually start finding companionship. I look like a toe with hair, my wife is way hotter than me, and I don’t have a big dick or a shitload of money. What I do have is a hot lady to watch Steven Universe with who likes Paramore and baking.

Many women are attracted to intelligent men ; to men who tell us how intelligent they are and need to tell us what we already know, not so much.

My wife says if you’re to worried about how to seem like you don’t want to fuck a girl then you have already failed.

You know what else is evolutionarily efficient? Living in cooperative groups and contributing to them as a whole. Traditionally, the evil, nasty anti-social little shits of the world that like to populate 4chan got kicked out of the fucking village to starve.

Does that include how to dismantle a 4-3 defense, detecting a blitz, and knowing what to audible to?

I feel sort of pointed out and the incisive nature of the insult is blooming inside me like bear mace does to the skin and eyes.

It takes an unintelligent person to believe that actual intelligence is defined by how to succeed in life.

women are attracted to men other women are attracted to.

My wife never fails to mention when my intelligence turns her on. She’s almost never said my physique turns her on, but I’ll take what I can get!

You have to be intelligent to recognize intelligence

So it all comes down to money once again. Just as long as everyone understands.

Really strange question, women are attracted for mens intelligence. “Women love with their ears”. But you have to be intelligent and not just believe your are the one.

Hitler never should have attacked Russia. Oh wait, never mind.

I disagree. An entire gender can’t be generalized to like a singular thing, and “incelligence” as you dub it isn’t always a bad thing. Having a great capacity for memory is quite important

Well this is eye opening, OogaBooga.

Could someone please tell me what in the hell a “pepe folder” is?

Women are not attracted to intelligence. They are attracted to power. If the intelligence makes you powerful, then it is attractive.

But men and women both are intimidated by intelligence. Someone that knows things that you do not about things you want to know about makes you feel inferior. It is why we mock intelligence in casual settings. It is why pseudo-intellectuallism is more popular than intellectuallism. Fake knowledge makes you an entertaining clown. Profane or arcane knowledge makes you dangerous.

Emotional intelligence should be mentioned above “success at life”. You know the incels will take that to mean economic privilege

I am fairly intelligent. I went to a University of California school that’s ranked in the top 10 of public universities in the country. I am moderately attractive, 5’10 and a trim 155lbs. Not jacked but I guess you can say toned. All of my exes were definitely far more attractive than what most people would think would date me. So yeah, real intelligence is attractive to many women.

Only in here for the side boob ()

My dumb ass has seen this post at least 10 times now, and I only noticed today that it’s spelled as “incelligence”.

Technically that’s how you become a single mom


Intelligence is remembering facts, wisdom is doing something with said facts.

Damn wtf why she gotta call me out like that

I can also tell you that explaining in great detail how Germany couldn’t have won hasn’t gotten me laid once.

God damn, I gotta write that one down

We are attracted to resources. on both sides.

Also they are, its just there’s a subset of people who’s intelligent have “eccentric, wild intelligence” and another subset who’s intelligence is “conformist/ highly direct-able orderly intelligence” and the women from each subset are mostly only attracted to their own subset. There are fewer of the first group, making it harder to find a match, and there’s more dysfunction and trauma, also a lot of self hating and desire to be accepted by the second group, so they’re just rougher around the edges in general but there are lots and lots of women who do not like Jeffrey from the golf club and do like Harold who has a LOTR and D&D obsession. I should know, been married to one of those women for almost 20 years, & she was a model & remains stunning, and also very interesting.

Incels suck though, but I think more of them are actually the conformist type, which is why they cry about DEI all the time.

Listen here, the Germans definitely couldn’t win World War 2.

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