This chiropractor advocating for newborn adjustments

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The thought of a chiropractor making adjustments to a newborn sends shivers down my spine.

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After giving birth, I had bad pains in my lower back. A quick Google search of the pains, led me to a chiropractic website and I got an appointment with a chiropractor. I was told I had a “locked pelvis” and spent approximately 1500 USD to fix it; the pain went away temporarily, but always returned. So, I went to my doctor and got an MRI of the area – turned out, I had a prolapse in my back. Lesson learned, never going near a chiropractor again.

Oh my God no their bones aren’t even fully formed holy shit please call the medical board or something about this

In Australia chiropractors are banned from adjusting babies 2yo and under

Some assholes are touting this as a cure to SIDs. These people shouldn’t be anywhere near babies.

Chiropractors aren’t real doctors

This guides who I go to for musculoskeletal dysfunction:

Chiropractors want to see you every two weeks
Physical Therapists never want to see you again

My dad, a chiropractor, advocates the same.

He also believes in drinking raw milk, that vaccines cause autism, and that covid was a conspiracy by the government to control the masses

This is the kinda shit we need the government to regulate. And by regulate I mean outlaw.

My boy was complaining of leg pains when he was about 4 years old.

His doctor recommended us to try a chiropractor.

Of course the chiropractor found a cause for his pains, something about air in the joints, and recommended we started treatment.
Told me not to be alarmed if he started crying as it could be painful.
I was hesitant, but ok we can try.
He didnt feel pain, but i didnt trust her made up diagnose and thanked no to further treatments.

It turned out to be juvenile arthritis..
(Thankfully i think he has outgrown it now and are no longer on medication)

Went to another chiropractor for my own back pains about a year ago, showed her the pictures and writing from the rheumatologist, and asked if their treatment could help with the problem.
It had no effect whatsoever.

I wonder if they ever say no to a customer or just start ‘treatment’ no matter what.

Bro just spawned in and they’re saying he needs heals

We have a guy in the local nursing home who was paralyzed from the neck down after getting an adjustment. Dudes only 50 but he’s got that chiro paying for his new, limited mobility designed house

Always remember everybody, chiropractors aren’t doctors no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise and are closer to those crystal energy people and raki massagers than anything scientific.

I know someone who had it done to their 30 minute old baby. Horrifying


“Dr.” Kendall

I work in a pediatric physical therapy clinic. I can’t tell you the amount of infants who get referred to us who were harmed by these quacks.


All of the chiropractors I know are people who weren’t smart enough to get into medical school.

Chiropractors are not real medical practitioners. When will people realize that?



For every story I hear of a chiropractor helping someone with their pain, I see ten others where they act like MLM-cult hacks.

I have seen a chiropractor and in her office there was a poster saying something like “no antibiotics, no tylenols for children with chiropractic”

The only reason I went back is because my back hurts and I already paid for treatment but yeah, as a respiratory therapist (aka healthcare professionnal) i cannot imagine if a doctor would prescribe a chiropractor instead of antibiotica if my kid had a bacterial pneumonia 🫠

Cradle to Grave Chiro LLC


Are we still entertaining the idea that chiropractics is a legitimate medical practice? Or are we finally maturing?

after giving birth my wife had problems with her sciatica. A doctor recommended a chiropractor to us and we gave it a shot. Before then we had always thought chiropractors were bogus. Apparently this chiropractor specialized in post pregnancy issues and there were always a lot of people bringing in their new borns (which still makes me uncomfortable). But credit where credit is due, they fixed my wife’s sciatica in just a few months of regular sessions.

Everyone loves exploiting fools for $$$$

Look at her, wearing scrubs in an attempt to look like the part of a medical professional.

Chiropractors, the modern snake oil that too many people still believe.

My in-laws chiropractor just retired with no announcement and now they are freaking out because he could do things like cure sinus infection and the like. And they claim there was this one case where a chiropractor worked on a deaf person, then suddenly a CRACK, and they could hear again. A miracle! One case, never reported anywhere in the media. That should have won the Nobel Prize for Chiropractic.


How is this not illegal?

Hey guys – unpopular opinion – she likely doesn’t mean normal adjustments that us adults are used to. I’ve seen pediatric chiropractors hold their thumbs gently on certain areas of babies bodies and allows the baby to be a lot less colicky. She’s not bending the baby to hear back pops or something. The pediatric chiropractors I know do wonders for babies and it’s not what you think. (I’m a dentist, not a chiropractor)

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