Double standards

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Imagine being 78 years old and calling people names like some 12 year old child.

He’s so pathetic, toxic, and dangerous. He’s going to sell your country out from under your feet. Patriot? lol. Rapist. Felon. Traitor.

Wait till people find out that Texas comes to a screeching halt if it gets too cold or too hot because the power grid there is basura.

Also what does Elon he mean it’s over? Are they simply going to remove him by force using the army?

Love how HE calls Newsom “Newscum”…when history is written, trump will be remembered as a pustule on the A$$ of America

Felonious rapist says what?

“Sit TF down”

(Awkward Greg Abbott side eye)

I’m pretty sure the most beautiful parts of the USA don’t have any houses on them

Hey-o. As a non-American watching this trainwreck unfold, it is SHOCKING to me the way your statespeople talk like immature juveniles. “Newscum”? Like, WTF how is this a way the president can talk about a state governor?

America has zero credibility in the eyes of much of the world, and this is a big part of why.

Rules for thee but not for me

How about not being a dick and helping your fellow countrymen , especially the one that pays the most taxes to DC

LOL Trump is the biggest clown on the planet. No self respecting democrat will take him or his cronies seriously

tRump let Covid infect America…

Elon – “It’s over for tRump”…

All of these twitter replies are fucking useless.

These people don’t listen, don’t respond, and don’t care what is said to them.

The best thing you can do is deactivate your accounts for Twitter, Facebook, Threads, etc…

He played golf while a pandemic ran through the country and refused to resign

These people are so disgusting and shameless.

Telling that the “best parts” are the “rich parts”

Shut the fuck up, Donnie!

Hundreds of thousands of Americans died due to covid…did Trump resign?

I’m calling for Greg Abbott to resign. Partially due to his proven track record of being genuinely awful in the wake of natural disasters, but also because of literally everything else he’s done in office.

One of my great pleasures over the last couple of weeks has been watching people COOK all of these dummies on twitter. It has been an honor.

They’re just trying to distract from their H1B bullshit that they will do anyways.

No shame. The natural disaster isn’t even over yet.

Anyone who didn’t show up to vote only has themselves to blame for this bullshit rhetoric. We had the chance to get rid of him.

Kamala isn’t perfect. She’s leaps and bounds better than that orange scumbag.

At least there is a nice clear view again of the ocean for all 👍🏼 Always look at the bright side I was told…

Tuck Frump!

Shall we blame DeSantis everytime a Hurricane hits Florida?

Guess what wildfires will happen no matter what letter is next to the California governor’s name.

Newsom was seen flicking cigarette butts shortly before the fires started.

Just kidding.

Him saying this makes me think they had something to do with starting the fire. Did Elon pay someone to start a fire during a time when the heavy Santa Ana winds were forecasted, because people have said that Gavin Newsom would run for the next presidential election? They needed to find a way to compromise him and take him down? They’re hyper focused on him. They don’t care about the American people at all.


As if Newsom could have done anything more to try to prevent this than he already has when most of the rest of the country and the powers that be refuse to even acknowledge the cause being anthropogenic climate change, let alone do anything meaningful to combat it, but rather would continue to increasingly do everything that contributes to it.

He’s nobody if he isn’t creating boogeymen. Governor Newsome is just this week’s target.

Not to mention the electric grid fiasco. They just reelected Ted Cruz who got busted trying to flee the state

I thought they hated California, shouldn’t they be the ones ok with it burning?

California is actually doing pretty good in general when it comes to fire. This one is really exceptional. Also Newsome didn’t ditch his people for a trip to Cancun.

What do you want the guy to do? Fist fight the fire?

Also, every business he’s ever run has burned to the ground.

I asked this on another sub and got no replies. Lets try here.

Question for conservatives. Do any of you from Trump down to you his voters ever have anything constructive to say? What do any of you bring to the conversation except personal attacks or complaints?

Florida Hurricane, Texas wildfire and Heavy winter wth these Governer did

But Texas is not one of the most butiful places in the US so it’s ok

Greg Abbott is a pissbaby. That is all.

He thinks Gavin has some ‘big valve’ that he can just open. They have to IILI5 because that’s his level of comprehension.

Oh no, the rich people lost one of their vacation homes. It should have been the poor people’s homes. The world is so unfair to the upper class.

No dumbass Texas ain’t beautiful

(Do I need to put in /s this is clearly sarcasm. I don’t right … Right)

Like this is clever and all, but who is exactly is this for? The most zinging zinger in the world will never get through to this cult. It just seems like engaging with these people at all is pointless.

The entirety of Texas could become ash and nothing of value would be lost.

Hot take: Greg and Gavin are both failures and should both get out of politics. Also fuck Elon and Trump.

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