Lakers coach JJ Redick with a lot of perspective on losing his rental home in Pacific Palisades: “I don’t want people to feel sorry for me and my family. We’re gonna be alright. There are people that, because of some political issues and some insurance issues, are not gonna be alright.”

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Listening to him talk about all the small things he lost in the fire is heart-breaking. I know he says they’ll be alright, and they probably will, but I can imagine that the trauma of losing irreplaceable possessions holding entirely sentimental value is hard to deal with.

He also refuses to make it about himself, and mostly talks about the community. JJ seems like a good dude, I hope he gets through this ok and helps the community like he mentioned.

Believe me when I say it is absolute devastation.

Pacific Palisades is pretty much gone as a city.

Altadena is half wiped out.

Everyone in Los Angeles is either housing someone or knows someone who has lost a house or can’t get back to their place for weeks.

This is catastrophic. There are no words to describe it.

He’s right, anyone with there home paid off isn’t required to get fire insurance.

People who rolled the dice got fucked.

You can see him holding back tears talking about how much his wife loved Brooklyn and how she was worried about moving to LA for his coaching job. Obviously this isn’t anything one could have anticipated, but he probably argued for moving to LA and now everything they have is gone. I know I’d struggle with feeling a bit responsible or regretful, as illogical as that is. This shit sucks so much.

Damn, very open about it all. 

good response

A lot of weird ass comments in here. If my apartment burned down with all my shit I’d be pretty devastated. Rented or not, rich or not.

It would be one thing if JJ was a health insurance exec or a bomb manufacturer but this guy just does basketball

Very good on JJ Redick to understand he’s rich enough that he won’t have to go through the pain of a regular person in LA who isn’t so well off. All the celebrities and the rich will get paid out no matter what, they have money and lawyers to ensure they will be fine. And have more than one home to go live in

Its the average and the poor people who are about the give fucked by Insurances & Politcals and who may never recover

Genuinely curious for those that may know what are the political issues that JJ is referencing here?

[Fuck State Farm. All my homies hate State Farm.](

Like the first famous person I’ve heard that actually read the room on this situation. They will be fine, there are people truly hurting that need the sympathy and support.

A couple years ago my coworker lost her apartment and just happened to wake up just in time to get out. She kept describing the shock of losing everything you’ve ever owned.

Yeah his place was rented but the trauma of losing everything you own and of the reality that your life can change (or end!) in an instances is hard to grapple with

Rental home makes a **HUGE** difference. Still sucks losing everything and having to evacuate his family can’t imagine.

Shoutout to the insurance companies and politicians that are MIA in the midst of this tragedy. Y’all are around when you need money!

This hits close to home. I live in Chile and in the last wild fire my brother lost absolutely everything, the only thing that was left was the clothes he had on and hes car, everything else was just ashes, no one was hurt thankfully and he has recover since then but as J.J. said, there’s memories and things that you just can’t recover.

I’m a JJ Reddick fan

Common JJ W

I’m glad he’s keeping it about everyone. Almost all the news i see and hear about the fires, focus solely on the Palisades Fire, and the rich who have lost homes, even though so many other people have also lost homes and possessions as well

Nice guy

Echos of Katrina where people had hurricane insurance but not flood insurance and the scumbags insurance company’s denied all claims.

This is exactly what many others were saying yesterday regarding feeling such sorrow for the wealthy minority, yet those comments were downvoted to smithereens. People highlighting the loss of sports memorabilia are tone-deaf. So many less fortunate – who aren’t getting the exposure or consideration – are being decimated.

When people were talking about JJ losing his home in the other thread and saying he’s rich, he’ll be fine. This is exactly the thing people were forgetting about.

20 years of memories between his family and career, gone. Irreplaceable. Really about that for a second. Show some empathy for people and what they’re going through because there’s also a ton more people in the exact same situation.

It’s horrible to lose your home and it’s a tremendous loss for anyone, and it’s worse off for those who do not have the financial means to start over. The resources and focus should be on those families. The wealthy will be fine.

Good guy

Humble JJ. The man knows his status and said the right stuff. If Lakers gig don’t work out he can be a lawyer or a politician someday for sure. Very well said sir.

Meanwhile Whitney Cummings is making jokes about her husband saving his eagles jerseys from the fire

It was a rental?!?!?!

Just when I think I’m out…he pulls me back in

Reasonable and thoughtful comment from JJ.

Damn man.

That is a very self aware individual


I want to see the video taken by the guy across and see what our camera person looks like holding the phone up

It’s a fking rental? I thought he bought the damn thing with his own money. Not that it’s not sad but the media made it sound like he lost his dream house that he toiled hard to buy.

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