A woman submerged five sets of her fine china underwater before evacuating due to the fires in Northern California in 2018.

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Well played. Surprised there isnโ€™t more items in the pool though.

I know a guy that threw the propane bottle in his pool so it wouldnโ€™t add to the fire.

Just make the house out of pool

ngl that’s brilliant. When chicago burned they were straight up burying their art and liquor when it was obvious there was no saving the city.

sure hope no debris lands in that pool, though

Imagine her ghost watching as her grandchildren give it all to Goodwill someday.

Desperate times, desperate measures.

Good to know. Iโ€™ll do this with my 4070ti super PC and oled monitor. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

At first I thought this was some lazy dude dude doing dishes in the pool but it turns out itโ€™s pretty much the opposite.

She also stashed her finest Chinese made chairs too!

Wait until she finds out some choppers pick up water from peopleโ€™s pools to combat fires ๐Ÿ™ƒ


This is next level smart. Now I just thinking of waterproofing my valuables ie wrap and cover in plastic bags/wrapping, weighing down a cooler and submerging it in the pool.

That’s really clever to protect some shit she was never going to use anyway.

Sometimes life feels like an endless cycle of surprises, like finding a treasure chest at the bottom of your own pool.

This image can speak volumes . I bet they probably meant a lot to her. She invested in a collection, and she thought it out well to save them. They could also be passed down from past families , keeping their memories strong. Love this , my grandma had a lot of dishes, and that she would hang on the walls, and they were beautiful. She passed them along to my mom, and my mom took great pride in them. Also, hanging them on the walls, it’s nice to see a great memory I had from Grandma’s house still standing strong. Imma pass this along to my mom just incase she get evacuated I’m sure she would love this idea.

No one:


Who the hell needs 5 sets of china?

This is a trick commonly recommended for hurricane prep too. Throw your patio furniture and other yard items that might get blown away in the pool and they are usually okay.

Fucking genius move

10/10 would smash

Did it work? Or did they just end up being boiled up and broken in the pool water?

ELI5: What’s the difference between “fine china” and the normal ceramic you find in Walmart/Ross? Looks the same to me.

All fun and games until a helicopter starts dropping buckets in your pool to collect water.

This is so sad in a strange way.

And don’t forget the fine patio chairs!

It’s an interesting idea for sure.

And her two favourite lawn chairs? What?

Would suck if the helicopter dipped into the pool and sucked up all the china just to dump it back on the burning house

My paper plates would just burn

The person who took the picture then stole the fine china.

this is a fire album art

Fox11 LA reporter said just do what her friend did, go to Home Depot, buy a $1000 water pump w 2 inch hose, and spray your property and house with pool water.

This is so fascinating because, while clever, nobody cares about “fine china” anymore. People nowadays complain about getting it at estate. It’s just something to figure out what to do with.

Priorities amiriite?

And I stole it all

Very important!!!


The weight of common sense โ€ฆโ€ฆ.

I hope the fire fighters don’t need that water or she’s going to be pissed.

Probably didnt expect that if theres a lot of fire around then the heat is going to evaporate the water fast. So maybe not the best idea to save them.

The [source post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/94648m/my_mom_has_5_sets_of_china_dont_ask_and_put_them/) in r/pics for this photo, for those interested

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