Thanks Boomers/Gen X for:

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Generational war is a smokescreen for class war being waged against you.

Hey, don’t blame Gen X. They are like angry hamsters.

I hate how boomers try and take credit for everything
when they did nothing but buy everything.

True, but this is just a meme, not a clevercomeback

You’re clever-comebacking your own meme?

I exercise and eat right in the hopes I live long enough to watch the stunned expressions on the faces of the gen Z and millennials when Gen alpha and gen beta blame them for things they had zero control over – with much love and early 70โ€™s Gen xโ€™er

Seeing a lot of this recently, alt-right newspeak being touted as clever comebacks or murdered by words.

In the reality of facts, none of these are clever, most are misplaced & some are downright harmful to society.

Oh, we are starting to blame the gen X now.

“The new generations blame the old ones for their situation, the old generations blame the new generations for doing dumb shit” and the same cycle continues.

In 30-40 years: “Look at the planet, where are the poles now? fucking millenials didn’t do anything but memed on the internet as the planet melted!”

Its not a gen conflict it’s a class conflict…

Xennial here.

Maybe spend less time with memes and more time with history. We arenโ€™t Boomers. For the most part, we rebelled against their way of thinking. We pushed the envelope on a pile of social and political issues.

Youโ€™re fucking welcome.

Politicians are the weak people who made hard times.

Weak men blame DEI for society problems.

Gen X was also know as the “no future” generation, but OK, let’s blame others and the world will definitely become a better place

We need to stop calling them boomers and go back to what their parents and grandparents called them: the me generation

Gen X here. Don’t you fucking DARE lump us in with Boomers. We’re the first ones they screwed over. Seriously, do it in person and we’ll cut a bitch.

Oh sweetie. If you think these are hard times, just wait.

Gen alpha is going to blame Gen z and millennials

Leave Gen X out of this.

Im pretty sure the real expession is about times itself not gender. turning everything into a gender war is just stupid imho.

Or, hear me out, that whole phrase is garbage and completely untrue. Many many many historical issues came when a society was at it’s height, and many times society was greatly moved forward because of “weak men.”

That phrase should never exist.

GenX here. Boomers fucked my life before it was trendy.

Oh yeah, the ones fighting in wars are the weak men ๐Ÿ˜…

Stop blaming GenX.ย ย 
We got shafted first.ย 

This argument relies on oversimplified assumptions to hold up.

This is a stupid quote from the 6th book in some trashy post-apocalyptic book series. People like to bandy the quote around like Marcus Aurelius himself said it, but Marcus wasnโ€™t a hack.

If you think that those are the “hard times” you gonna see in 20 years.

Boomers mock safe spaces because they failed to create safe spaces in their own homes with their own children. They treat safe spaces with the same contempt they treated their children with.

Hey, leave Gen X out of it.

We busted our asses trying to keep the Boulder of shit from getting out of control, got flattened by it because the Boomers sense of entitlement refused to be stopped.

Generational hate needs to be more nuanced. It’s the members of Boomers/Gen X/Millenials who maintained the status quo their whole life, who embraced the worst aspects of the consumption lifestyle as their unquestionable right. They will say they worked hard for the lifestyle but it was always just a matter of staying the course for them, their lives were never really on the line.

Silent Generation did more damage, and is still doing more damage, than the Boomers.

You have got to have someone to blame, don’t you?

“Why don’t you just wait tables part-time instead of taking out student loans like I did when I was your age?”

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