die mad about it

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Everything else aside, you stole my thumb
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And cue the crybabies in the comments lol

as a veteran, I 100% support this! this is the freedom we fought for it. so yeah, die mad about it 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yes but what is the picture on the left??

Edit: Multiple people have explained it now, and I still don’t get it. Am I out of touch? No—it’s the kids who are wrong.

The irony of Republicans crying saying “THEY’RE SHOVING IT DOWN OUR THROATS🤧”

yeah your conservative algorithm is flooding you with fake ragebait to be upset about

Love downvoting you cry baby bitches in the comments. So fragile and triggered.

I never understood why people care so stinking much about the genitals or orientation of other people; often people they have never/will never meet. So much wasted energy!

I don’t care what someone does with their life on that level. Live and let live. But trans people are like 1% of the human population why is this such a big deal?

“BuT iTs BeiNg TuAgHt In ScHoOlS”

Yup had a guy at work ranting about it and I’m a straight cis man and I just looked and told him I don’t really think about trans people because buying a house and making more money is important to me trans people don’t affect me at all

That’s what I tell people, one day in a coffee shop there were two gay men up front of the line and one guy in front of me started yelling and swearing at them and I had to ask him what they were doing that affected him since they were just standing there talking to each other waiting for their turn to order. He ended up getting kicked out.

Mom of a trans son here! When someone asks if my son had upper or bottom surgery, I ask them why do they need to know that? Do you have a reliable surgeon to propose who you went to for such surgery? Eff off!

It’s so funny to see all the magats confused and angry over pronouns 😂 like, we know reading is difficult for you, but you don’t have to be mad at grammar

OP I think you triggered some people 😂 be careful driving around with that sticker! Love it though 👍👍

They gonna die *so* mad about it 100%

I would argue they make life better. Trans people are usually more fun and add color to your life.


My respect

If you’re not dingling someone’s dangles, what’s it matter what they’re dangling?

Does anybody really give a shit if someone wants to live their life trans ?

I need this bumpersticker. Fucking sick of hearing about it lol.

The issue is that these things are meant to keep people mad at the wrong thing. Classic misdirection. Keep you looking at one thing while they do other things and no one notices. Honestly, who cares about people being part of the LGBTQ community? They aren’t the problem. The problem is that while you’re pretending to be mad at them for no reason, you are losing other things.

Americans are not free (you rank behind 19 other countries), you are losing more of your freedom everyday to gun violence, police overreach, corporations controlling your healthcare, your education being defunded. Women’s and children’s rights and autonomy being stripped away. But, yeah, keep thinking that the issue is the LGBTQ community.

I’m a straight white male, grown up in a conservative, Christian family… I’ve never understood why people have a problem with trans people. Just let them be and enjoy their lives, Jesus fucking Christ

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I support the message on that bumper sticker. The world isn’t binary, no matter how much some people might want it to be.

Love this

I could care less. Those people have the right to be recognized for their own humanity and not ostracized. Just because I’m not a part of their community and I don’t identify the same as they do gives me zero right to hate them and to invite others in hatred of that group. People need to get a grip… To get a life and a hobby and leave other people the fuck alone if they are not bothering you. It’s really simple to just live your life and not be a total dick to other people, but that’s just me

Boy these MAGAts are REALLY MAD we exist.

Love it!! Fuck the haters. They are irrelevant

I have rabies

Hey yo, where can I get that sticker

Nobody gives a real shit! Do you. You guys act like this is new? Been trans people forever and songs about it on the70’s station.


How dare you!!

As a Canadian mom of an amazing trans son, thank you!
I’ve been mad ever since the 2016 DSA’s (Divided States of America) Election!

Canada doesn’t ever want to be part of the Regressive Party of the DSA! EVER!

But nothing wrong with people having hundreds of billions of dollars

But what is the image? Looks kind of like a robot dog holding a video camera.

But why a chaos marine?

But muh taxes! Schools! Loud noises!


I’m just shocked no one is talking about the Emperor’s Children chaos space marine on the sticker

No lies here.

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