$83,000,000 home burns down in Pacific Palisades

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Architects and construction companies in LA must be drooling right now.

The house still standing in front of it is Tom Hanks house .

Isn’t that Tony Starks house?

Something tells me the owner will bounce back

Can’t imagine all the people without the money to rebuild

To be fair, it’s probably about $60m of land and a $25m house.

Apparently owned by a crypto bro.

That’s exactly why I don’t buy $83 million dollar homes.

🧐 hmmm it says here on your insurance claim you had flammable vegetation growing out the roof of your mansion?…..



I really feel bad for the housekeeping staff of all these residents who now have to figure out what they’re going to do for money.

Next season of selling sunset is going to be fun

Someone was living in a community college?

Meanwhile, the people in North Carolina are trying to figure out how to pay the taxes on their nonexistent houses while they shiver in their tents.

We’re arguing over real estate & capitalism – I’m crying over the pets and wildlife that didn’t stand a chance to make it out alive. 😢😭🐾💔

Look. This is tragic all around. But the vast majority of people who could afford homes even 10% as luxurious as this are going to, at least financially, land on their feet without an ounce of desperation.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of working class people whose business relied on servicing these homes and the people that lived in them. These are the people who, even if their own house did not burn down, are FAR less likely to land on their feet. Landscapers, handymen, cleaners, chefs, babysitters, security guards, etc.

Again, to be clear, it’s tragic for everybody involved. But let’s keep in mind that the people who had the highest percentage of their net worth tied to these properties are not the people who owned or lived in them.



The owner rn

83,000,000? Looks like maybe 81,000,000. But I’m no Realtor.


Nice “review” of the unique mansion [https://youtu.be/PFXJRLMdQxc?si=NldlOU1_cFxWud1B](https://youtu.be/PFXJRLMdQxc?si=NldlOU1_cFxWud1B)

To be fair that one looks like the perfect set up for a bonfire even before the wild fires

I am honestly having a hard time empathizing with the ultra rich temporarily losing their 3rd+ home.

84 million, and built from wood. Brilliant.

no sympathy for anyone living in a 83 MILLION DOLLAR HOME.

Good, nobody needs an $83mil home. Be a normal person. Buy a normal home.

I have a hard time feeling bad because I don’t think there should be a house worth 90 mil in the first place.

How isn’t 5-10 mil more than enough for people? It’s fucking crazy

I couldn’t care less about these homes. It’s the average person and all the animals I feel for.

Whoever owns that home has not just one more but a lot more homes. No fucks to give.

Oh well moving on to care about the normal people’s homes who all burned down.

The sad part will be the lower class people who will be affected so these rich fucks can replace what materials they’ve lost

What’s the point in having fire insurance if your Insurance company cancels your policy a week before the fires…….like State Farm did to 72,000+ policy holders???? Abusolutely insane to pay this $138 billion company a penny when they do NOTHING to protect your investment/hard earned in most cases


Is that Tony Stark’s place?

If you’ve got an 83 million dollar home and no insurance, when it burns to the ground you are still better off than 99.9% of the rest of the world.

Tony stark is going to be so pissed.


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