How do I get this screw out of my window? I tried moving the window up and down. Fingers are way too big to get in there

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How do I get this screw out of my window? I tried moving the window up and down. Fingers are way too big to get in there
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Slide those white plastic latches inwards and the window will come out of the frame.

The tab/bumps, pull those in, away from the wall and you can open the window towards you.

Also you can do this to clean the window from the inside.

The Agony of a Sticky Screw: Tips for Removing it from Your Window

Are you frustrated with a stubborn screw lodged in your window, refusing to budge, no matter how hard you try? You’re not alone! Many of us have found ourselves in this predicament, cursing the moment we decided to install that supposedly "easy to install" screw. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to extract that pesky screw from your window, taking into account those pesky small spaces that even the most talented contortionists can’t seem to squeeze into.

Attempt 1: The Old Lift-and-Adjust Trick

Your first instinct might be to move the window up and down in an attempt to dislodge the screw. While this technique might work with some screws, it’s likely to be the case that this screw is simply too stuck, or perhaps located in a position that makes this method impractical.

Solution 1.1: Stop and Assess the Situation

Before you continue banging your head against the wall, take a moment to assess the situation. Identify the screw’s location, angle, and direction. This will help you better understand the situation and determine the best approach for removal.

Solution 1.2: Use a Small Tool

Sometimes, the issue is simply the size of your fingers or reach. In such cases, grab a small, thin tool that can fit into the space around the screw, such as:

  • A credit card or ATM card
  • A thin metal shim or blade
  • A small screwdriver or flathead
  • Even a hairpin or a metal paperclip!

Gently push or pry the tool against the screw to dislodge it. Be patient and careful, as you don’t want to scratch the window or surrounding materials.

Attempt 2: The WD-40 or Oil Treatment

Some screws can become stuck due to rust, dirt, or oxidation. In this case, using a lubricant like WD-40 or mineral oil might be the key to loosening the screw.

Solution 2.1: Spray the Right Stuff

Squirt a small amount of WD-40 or mineral oil onto the screw and surrounding area. Allow the lubricant to sit for a few minutes, giving it a chance to work its magic. This might make the screw more receptive to manual removal or enable you to loosen it with your fingers or small tool.

Attempt 3: The Torque Solution (for larger screws)

For larger screws that are stubborn but not too tiny, you can try applying more torque to remove it. In this case:

  • Use a screwdriver or a wrench specifically designed for the job
  • If the screwhead is slotted, try driving it counterclockwise or clockwise
  • If the screwhead is a star or security type, apply gentle, continuous pressure in one direction

Be cautious not to apply too much force, which could damage the surrounding materials.

Conclusion: Persistence Pays Off

Removing a stuck screw from your window may require patience, persistence, and a combination of the techniques above. Remember to assess the situation, use small tools, apply lubricants, and (when necessary) exert gentle torque.

If you’ve tried all of these methods and the screw remains stubbornly stuck, it may be time to consider consulting a professional handyman or the window manufacturer’s warranty. Don’t give up, though! With the right tools and techniques, you can liberate that pesky screw from your window’s grasp.

How do I get this screw out of my window? I tried moving the window up and down. Fingers are way too big to get in there

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