Women submerged five sets of her fine china underwater before evacuating due to fires in Northern California in 2018.

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Smart; save whatever you can, however you can.

And her two chairs held an importance as well, it seems.

I wanted to find out if it worked and it did:ย https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/94648m/my_mom_has_5_sets_of_china_dont_ask_and_put_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

Sick album cover

Smart idea really. You could also fill an esky/cooler with valuables and sink it.

Very smart idea. It’s probably a family heirloom. I wouldn’t have thought to do that.

Genius to be fair.

My dad put a spinning water sprinkler on top of my momโ€™s Porsche 911 when we evacuated for a wild fire.

Worked for The Titanic.. the china is still there

Imagine a plane filling up with her pool and watching china go everywhere

WOMAN means one person.

Would have thought it better to put them much lower in the pool

Forward thinking!

Actually really smart

They will still be lost when it comes to claims for insurance

Thatโ€™s all they put it the pool?? Genius, but I had more ideas.

Ah this one again.

5 sets of fine China! 5!

back in the 1700s, European ships coming back with tea from China would also bring back fine porcelain while using it as ballast: porcelain isn’t really affected by spending months sitting in bilge water, wash it off once you arrive home and its good as new.

Clever girl.

I inspected burned properties after wildfires in California a few years ago and at a few houses, the China was the only thing that survived and it looked pristine.

When I was 16 years old we had to evacuate our home due to an approaching wildfire. I will never forget the moment of standing in the middle of my bedroom and trying to decide what to pack. The thought that I was about to leave my bedroom and it and everything in it would possibly/probably be gone soon was staggering.

How many women?

Remember when anyone still gave a fuck about fine china? Well apparently there was still someone in 2018

thats very clever

Is it a bad idea? If it goes up in flames it definitely wonโ€™t make it and this way anything that can survive the water has a chance to make it. The outdoor furniture definitely makes more sense but I can see submersing anything that can endure that I hope to save.

That is kinda genius ๐Ÿ‘

Very smart

Good idea

I imagine this was done in a pair. One stood in the pool, and one handed each piece over. If it was one person, both hats are off to them

Kind of spooky. But clever..

iโ€™ve seen this exact same picture at least 7 times now

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