If all StarWars planets were equally habitable for humans, which one would you choose to live on and why?

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*pushes up glasses* Endor is not a planet that we have seen the surface of. I believe you speak of the Forest Moon of Endor from Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.


Not Alderaan


I’d choose Alderaan, but, sadly, it’s Aldergone.

Lothal seems like it would be peaceful to kick back and chill. Then just hit up some of the others for road trips and fun and snowboarding on Hoth etc.

At Attin 🤭 because it’s… civilized 💰

Kashyyk. Always wanted to live in a big ass tree in a big ass treehouse

Naboo – great architecture.

Coruscant – fav planet and absurd amounts to explore

Dathomir. Ima risk it all to get my head crushed by a witch

Alderaan ( during the 1000s year of peace

Kamino I love the rain

Endor? Too many space murder bears.
Hoth? Too many space murder Yetis

Probably Naboo.

ryloth. settle down and make an honest woman out of a twi’lek.

I’m not sure how to process this question. How do we imagine Hoth being equally habitable for humans unless you change what Hoth is?

That planet with Jack Black. It looked like a nice post scarcity world where droids happily did all the arduous work and the rich kept to themselves doing their own ridiculous things without impacting the normal folk.

Mon Cala. I love the water.

Correllia pre-empire 


Ferrix. Sure it’s always cold, rains and snows sometimes (Much like here in the uk 😂). But everybody is so tight knit and helps one another regardless of social status. I’d argue that out of the many planets/societies in the Star Wars galaxy ferrix is the best choice for the average person.

Mandalore post reclaim. Bunch of mandalorians making armour and training for battle sounds cool.


Coruscant- Futuristic setting and having so much stuff i could do and explore

Kamino because i love rain.

Coruscant. I love cities and cyberpunk aesthetic.

Can’t Say I Remember No at Attin

Endor. Just look at it.

I love yavin 4

Naboo is basically Italy. So give me that planet.

Give me the Forrest Moon of Endor next, I love Northern California.

From this list? Scarif post Empire. Not from this list? Kashyyyk because I love wookiees.

At Attin is definitely a contender.

Sure you have to live under the thumb of robots, but you also get to live in by far the safest and most stable society I have seen in Star Wars.

Lothal (pre or post Imperial occupation).

Scarif but I’m moving before the rebel terrorists show up.

Niamos, but only if when you approach you hear the cool theme. Also Ferrix, great community.

My Pick is Bespin!

Hetztal Prime or its moons, specifically the one covered in fruit trees. Sounds like a pretty cool life, having a farm run by droids and pretty much no problems from any of the galactic happenings

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