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Like how to stand in line, put a small bag on a shelf, and be on time for things

How to read and follow clear directions, the meaning of words.

That kind of thing

Every good thing you know about has been ruined by someone finding a way around the rules to ruin it for selfish reasons 🙁

All society should be divided this way. It would not be socio-economic, it would be based on how you behave and the first class would be reserved for discreet and courteous people. Let’s have the paesan with their blaring phones together in the hold.

I need separate sidewalks for people who know how to walk straight.

Some days it seems like common courtesy straight up doesn’t exist. I wonder who figured it would be a good idea to name it that.

Imagine a world where airplane seats double as comfy sofas and everyone gets a complimentary puppy.

Sorry, your social credit score is to low to fly to or from this airport, please chose another airport.

Yeh but the people who act like lunatics always think everyone else doesn’t k ow how to act, so they’re going to want in, too!

Sitting in the airport now and some gamer boy was ahead of me getting all pissed because they made him take out his Xbox during security check

i can see why airports make people act out. flying drives me nuts. be stranded at a series of airports for what was supposed to be one long flight home and see whether you crash out too

The line cutting in security is out of control. The Orlando airport does nothing about shitheads turning up late to make a flight and bulldozing their way through the line saying “excuse me, we have a flight to make!” They’re going to wind up with some brawls on their hands because everyone is losing their last nerve about it and no security is patrolling the situation.

It’s called TSA Pre Check…it’s not perfect but it makes the experience better if you fly a lot.

The biggest issue with airports is that they seem confused that the passengers showed up. If only there was a schedule of take offs and landings so they would know how to staff for busy times. But I guess airlines just come and go as they please and keep it a secret.

Normalize punching that 75 year old boomer listening to news clips with adds with no headphones

Who would work at the shitty airport?

hahah agree

That would be almost empty

They would have no business. It would shut down within the week

Or airlines that do criminal background checks and those that don’t.

Why, so all the people who falsely believe this is not them can show up? 😂

The seating area just past security are where you put your fucking shoes on. NOT the end of the conveyor belt.

This is why rich people have different lives. There’s a private airport near me and a girl I grew up with became a stewardess for the small jet airlines. Anyone can fly these type of airlines and they are really not that much more in re to money.

I’d agree but after what I did at the airport today I don’t think my opinion matters

I broke up with my last gf because of how she acted at the airport and on the plane. 

It blows my mind how people in the US still don’t know what’s expected when going through security. I also can’t believe the stupid shit we do to still go through security in the US over 20 years after 9/11.

I’m an advocate for a skill tested license to use self check-out lanes.

A decoy airport…interesting.
Traffic would be split, taxis dropping rude people at the wrong airport.
You arrive by metro, and attendants discretely sweep you aside to the real airport, through secret doors.

there is one, you just have to be invited once you prove yourself in public

nevermind not allowed to talk about it

It’s called ‘First Class’. Separate lounges with free food and drinks to wait for your plane. Separate part of the plane, away from the riff raff with good service, drinks and real food. I rarely see people misbehave in the lounges.

But that’s just for the well-heeled traveller. For those that have real money, there really are separate airports. But you need a private plane.

I agree. I used work for TSA and I still can’t stand even driving past the airport.

You just described the Burbank airport

you mean for white people?

Is it that bad in the US?

My wife and I get so confused when everyone immediately stands when the plane lands slowing the off boarding. Just wait for the people in front of you to grab their bags and walk off!

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