That cracked me up

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Presumably doctors were searching for a spine?

This would be funnier if it wasn’t from a full on right wing nightmare and Nazi lover

He was having a throat enlargement so he can deep throat Putin’s cock.

Lol dude had his flabby neck skin tightened

Why do I just know deeply in my soul that this was a five minute cortisone injection and not actually surgery?

Or Trumps. Or Putins. Or his own. JUST. STOP. SUCKING.

True story: it’s because of the loaded Trump diapers he has had to shove to the side with his nose for weeks now.

Sigh, not a comeback

lol well said.

Oh. This is a lonely man…

She’s a cocksucking expert, she knows first hand about the neck pain

He is only supporting Israel right now because they are genociding brown people. He’s really been sucking Putins cock and nazi cock.

I still don’t understand how people are against Israel.

Getting another computer implanted?


And now we’re throwing opiates into the mix! IT’S GONNA BE WILD!

I think they screwed his cheeks in his neck, to make him look more wierdo

Too bad the surgeon was a good one.

Gargling Trumps balls?

Well now I just want to google what neck surgeries are medically necessary

I thought he was sucking Donny trumps orange unit?

It’s weird because he’s antisemetic too.

Here comes the opiates addiction!

Walking around with his kid on his shoulders constantly could not have helped. I bet his son was better behaved then Trump.

It’s Trump’s. It’s very difficult as it’s very small and he can’t risk puncturing or ripping open the colostomy bag or things will get very, very messy…

What about second cock?

Yeah replacing the head is usually done at the neck, and that surgery was definitely necessary.

Who are the 6.2k absolute fucking weirdos who’d deliberately decide to ‘like’ that tweet? I suppose they’re mostly bots, but there must also be a certain number of actual people who thought ‘Hell yeah, way to go with the neck surgery, champ!’.

Like I said, weird.

Necks do not work without spines.

Neck surgery huh? Be a shame if something happened to it….

No Community Note to be found here.

He’s absolutely involved in the fires FYI if enough people call for investigation into his space x starlink technology the corruption on a larger scale could be discovered! He is backed by a large Israeli land/real estate developer and is utilizing technology with AI. I will keep sharing this until I’m blue in the face this is not something I get off on for the internet this is something I witnessed in Maui with my own two eyes

It wasn’t to remove his head from his ass?

That dr could have done the world a favor…

Seems sleeping at trumps properties has consequences.

His own cock

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