Summed up…

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Normally Big Text On Pickups People fill me with dread, but it’s legit kinda heartwarming to see someone so crazily dedicated to being empathetic to others 🥹

(Gonna real quick give that url a goog before i hit reply)

Update: 👍

Eat the rich.

I wanna talk to that guy.

I’m surprised it’s on a pickup. Usually the owners are less sensitive

Hell yes, wake the fuck up America.

This is true.

Finally a truck with a message not MAGA.

It’s a heart issue
Too many rich people are too selfish to help homeless people
And too many homeless people are too prideful to accept help

It’s like a TikTok I just watched with a guy ranting from his truck about a convenience store owner buying beer from Costco and then marking up the price and selling them at his “convenience” store. At first you think he’s ranting about the owner, but then he goes, “this is how America works. This is our system.”

When we finally treat the rich like we do addicts, alcoholics & gamblers we might see a change


Well said

Agree totally !


Really is funny how Lugi has started a movement of people from both sides who realize this culture war crap is just a facade the true group in power are peddling to keep a class war from sparking. Lol

I guess the rich have gotten much less greedy since poverty has been in massive decline the past couple hundred years.

Bumper sticker please

A lot better than all of the bootlickers. I dont understand the correlation between big trucks and people wanting to suck up to the government.

The website is well managed

Is this a dig at ole Billy Burr?…. How dare you


Then stop giving the rich your money.

Poverty is a relative measure; it will always exist.

Stop sending money to other countries. No more money for Ukraine Gaza Israel Iran Afghanistan India Africa south America. We need to focus on our pour our sick our homeless.

Poverty is a fantasy game orchestrated and maintained by the rich

Lowest level of awareness. Poverty has always existed. Read some Tom Sowell. The left thinks about what should be rather than actual human behavior. Roussou vs Locke. This is why the left lost…


Yeah we obviously do feed the poor. They are almost all obese.

Succinct. Preach.


(Yawn) Nobody cares


Altruism is what caused Africa to collapse, some guy juat gave all his gold away, with good intentions. Thousands of years later, no recovery

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