Say it loud and proud

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Should say “you’re not a patriot. You’re a cunt. Just like your leader”

MAGA is not, and never has been, about patriotism. It’s just one big excuse to say “it’s all about muh” while wrapping it in a flag.

Every Magat is an enemy of America. Period.

Elon is the cult leader now.

They truly are in a cult of religious hypocrites.

A Cult lead by a Convict Sissy Cuckold Donald Trump

A child sex cult no doubt

By the way, no one in MAGA is a patriot

How has this sub become an AI image sub?

That looks fake

Not even a real bumper sticker

It’s exactly the right thing to say

This sub delivers on the triggered trumpturds content

Anyone have a link for one like this, but a little bit wider so that it covers the whole back windshield? Would love to throw it on my car

Should this sub just be titled “bumper stickers against trump” at this point?

Standing against Trump trying to steal the election and calling for his imprisonment or execution makes me a patriot. I am not in a cult because I dislike an authoritarian.

You’re not following religion, you’re in a cult

comment image?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc7fa11bd91191ad56897c1bcfafe97bf4a0006f

Cult of chaos!

And this is not a real image. This is an AI image.

This looks AI generated


Sick burn!

Ah r/bumperstickers on Trumps 🥜. Must be one of those days that end in y.

This also applies to people in normal cults that are dispassionate towards politics.

Says the people who take a bumpersticker sub reddit and turn it into how many anti trump things can we post today alright culties 🤣

How long before trump and his “government” make all form of protest like this illegal and punishable?

If patriotism is a cult, then sign me up!

Yeah I’m not a patriot. I’m a nationalist.
comment image?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee87aa92dd5505e3e27ba6ca898f4e0e826d7a2f

Trans people and most leftists are still cool tho.

Yes. We are. It’s about time you all caught on. MUUUHHHHUUAAAHAGAHAHA!!!!!!


I’m ready for my Kool aid.

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