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Greenland doesn’t want to join, so even that part is stupid

> Greenland

> Look inside

> Denmark

> Greenland is Danish

> Denmark is the one at fault for not wanting to give over its own territory

Totally logical meme!

Real easy to flip this around, make the blonde guy denmark, have him ask, “You’re staying with me right?” Blonde girl as greenland says “yes”
USA is the fat girl who shows up and says “n’uh, she’s coming with us”

The audacity 😒

love how greenland is like ‘i’m just here for the lolz’

France should ask Lousiana back (the old Louisiana) with a vote.

This has got to be one of the worst possible timelines.

America is so fat, they had to clasify it as a disease just to keep the markets on sugar and fast foods.

Aren’t Denmark and most Nordic countries amongst the healthiest too lol

The audacity of Denmark deciding what to do with their own territory

Greenland joining the US means bye bye awesome social programs, definitely not happening

Reminder that the “America” account for Twitter is another one of Elon’s fronts, if it weren’t obvious enough.

Obviously the US had won this argument by using the chad meme as the representation of the US…. /s

This has me dying for some reason, hahaha

lol hahaha

I used the Yes Chad meme to represent myself, so that means I’m based see? BASED!

why is this here

The audacity to make your account name America, like this numbnut is the spokesperson

r/blursedimages thats this kind of dude if she hides on the toilet he would follow her thinking she wants him to follow her while all she really wants is to get away from him.

What has convinced them Greenland want to join America? Oh yeah just the fact their god says they should want to, absolutely low intelligence individuals.

The audacity to not give your territories to another country.

I speak on behalf of Denmark, when I say we will be withholding the supply of Wegovy since the Americans are apparently much skinnier than us.

This whole Greeland business feels like a poltical palate clenser after the election.. Like a giant distraction for newer and dumber stuff that is about to come..

Greenland is Denmark property. It’s like Denmark wanting to own Puerto Rico and America being the “ugly” friend saying no.

Republicans: We will put an end to needless spending!
*pays 2 billion to purchase an arctic wasteland*

How dare Denmark not give the US a part of their country. Looks like “Denmark socialism is bad” abt to drop

Of course, a fridge always protecting her snacks

Bigly cognitive dissonance

Yes, yes we will

Want to lose your universal healthcare Greenland?

Denmark is way healthier than USA…

Sad to say america lost being the most obese. Can’t even be number 1 in being fat

All these back and forths with multiple nations, I feel like would just lead us closer to WW3.

As everyone accepts war in Ukraine that began under the Biden administration they look shocked and in disbelief about the soon to be new administration.

US isn’t even the most obese country even more… mostly because everyone is broke and can’t afford it eat now.

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