No just no. Seen in a grocery store. You cannot convince me this is a service dog.

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It’s a service human


Saw a lady bring in not one but 3 mutts they looked like dachshund mix’s into our local grocery store. They were barking nonstop and then one pissed on floor. She didn’t even bother to clean it up. I was mad as hell.

A “service dog” pooped in the middle of the produce aisle when I was in the grocery store yesterday. Owner didn’t bother cleaning it up.

Last month, two “service dogs” got into a fight in a pharmacy. They ended up knocking down a ton of stuff. It’s getting ridiculous now


Service Dogs can be any breed or size, BUT their behavior in public is usually a dead giveaway

Service dog owner here, we come across this kind of thing all the time and it’s more than just mildly infuriating. In my 5 years as a service dog owner, I’ve come across WAYYYY more fake service dogs that legitimate service dogs.

I constantly see people bringing in regular dogs to grocery stores now. They’re not any kind of service dog, just a dog.
It seems to be a recent phenomenon since the panini started

It’s super annoying how entitled people have become and dont blame employees for not doing anything cos people are exhausting

Edit typo

For the last few years, this has become more of an occurrence.

I love dogs just as much as the next person, but if they are not service animals then they need to stay home. It’s only going to create more problems for actual service animals.

Everything about this image is disturbing. It’s been flipped so the words are all reversed. Nobody has a shopping cart or basket in a grocery store. The man has track pants that are printed with camouflage but has visibility stripes down the legs, with untied moccasins. And it looks like a drug deal is going on in the background.

This screams Florida

Companies are too cowardly to stand up to the fallout over refusing that ESA. Yeah, it’s not a real ESA, but the customer will claim it is. On another note- ESAs are not Trained Sevice animals and not given the right to be in stores and restaurnats. ESAs are why businesses are refusing actual service dogs access, despite service dogs all allowed under Federal law.. ESAs do not have to be as well trained and are often AHs.

People at my Kroger are out of control. Dogs barking and SHITTING in the store, but I’m supposed to believe it’s a trained service dog?? No fucking way. Get your mutt out of here. One of our regulars brings in 2 at a time. They have BOTH shit in the store and one of them shit by the produce. I can’t….

I work at a grocery store where people do this all the time. Management won’t do anything for fear of crossing ADA lines accidentally. We need customers to constantly call local health departments to report these things in order to get businesses to stop allowing this nonsense. Until they start getting fines they just won’t risk getting sued. It’s all about money to them.

Every time I see our maintenance people cleaning dog shit off the floors it makes me absolutely furious at how entitled people have become.

“fur baby” people gotta be one of the most annoying people i’ve seen, get your rat dog out of here

We should probably just be grateful it doesn’t have its poopy, grimey butthole all over the shopping cart, right?

This seriously irritates me every time.

Dogs like this should not be around the food people buy. Guide dogs and proper service dogs yes, random pugs and untrained mutts no.

Dog shit cleanup in isle 9.

I work for WalMart (29 yrs) and when people first started to bring their non-support animals into our store it bothered me. Now I just enjoy getting to see, pet, and talk to all these cool dogs, etc. that come to visit our store. Helps break up the days and puts a smile on my face.

Whatever, I am not reading the rest of the comments. As someone who works in retail I hate these non trained animals coming in with self righteous owners. This woman brought a NON service dog with a fake vest into our store and it snapped at a toddler. I’ve seen dogs eat garbage out of other coworkers trash cans and chase other customers. It sucks, and the people who do this are pieces of shit.

*Technically* any dog can be a service dog, even a pug, and they do not need to be vested in the US.

I may be missing it, but what is the dog doing exactly? Was it misbehaving?

Edit: okay, SO, I am not saying it is not infuriating to have a dog in the store if it is not a service animal. I am *saying* that from the picture, it does not look (to me) like we can prove the dog is or is not a service animal. A pug can provide service if trained.

Y’all, I work in retail, you don’t think I’m not annoyed by people bringing their pets in? I just know the law because I have to.

But he might have valuable information of something very small, like a marble, or a jewel.

I’m so over the ppl who breeze right in the doors of anyplace nowadays with their damn animals. It really gags me in the grocery store to see random dogs. I’ve said something to store managers and they just shrug 🤷🏻‍♀️and I’m like, look dumbass, these are regular dogs, nothing service about them. And don’t give me the “oh it’s my support dog” garbage. Stop bringing your fucking, stanky, mutts into stores! It’s not cute or funny. There’s food in stores and that is reason enough not to bring them back. Stop already. And I love dogs and cats. Ours have all passed after living 19 and 17 years old. I have 4 grand dogs and 1 grand kitty. ✌🏼

An entitled dog owner?! I’m shocked! /s Everyone defending a dog in a grocery store needs their heads examined.

Some people just don’t give two shits about others. “Oh you’re allergic to dogs? Oh, you don’t like dog hair on your cold cuts? Oh, you don’t like stepping into dog piss in a cereal aisle? Well, fuuuuuuuuck you!”

On the other hand, look at that cute face!!!

People that bring any animals into any spot where they sell food for human consumption should be strapped to a rocket and blasted into the sun

Time to start bringing my emotional support badger everywhere I go and no one is allowed to question.

Any breed could be a service dog, however, this one is not wearing anything implying it is, so that’s not likely..

You don’t know what they do alone

I honestly don’t understand why they aren’t required to carry a service animal ID. The way the law is written, anyone can lie and say it’s a service animal and there’s nothing you can do about it.

This is becoming a bigger problem. It used to be only service animals, but lately people just bring their dogs in. One lady brought her tiny dog in and was riding on one of those electric carts, the dog walking close to the side. It had a short leash. That poor thing looked like all it took was one tight turn away from being crushed under the wheel, but she obviously didn’t care nor even looked like she had a single thought in her head.

Animals who aren’t certified helper animals don’t need to be in stores, and I don’t think of people who bring their animals into stores as responsible owners. Most of them don’t even bother to put a vest on their dog anymore.

Man I live in a super liberal area and go to a co-op with all the organic, women-owned, LGBT supporting products you would expect. Very welcoming of all kinds, regularly sit with unhoused people in the common area. Even here, no animals are allowed inside. What the dog doin?

He guides him to the bananas – see it worked!

Dog people are the fucking worst

Dog owners just bring their dogs everywhere. They can’t function without their dogs. Kind of ridiculous. I used to work retail and we weren’t even allowed to ask if it was a service dog. They need to ammendment the ADA

Don’t buy anything and leave but on your way out tell the manager why

I’ve stupid people have their small dogs in their Walmart cart. Ugh! People have gotten so stupid since the plandemic w/ their animals in a store. Don’t get me started on the number of dumb women who leave their purses unattended in the shopping cart (I’m not one of them cause mine is attached to my wrist at all times).

I was in TJ max around Christmas time and these teenage girls were walking a border collie that was BARKING in the store. They eventually got thrown out but a dog barking in a clothing store?? That’s crazy

Mildly infuriating when people take photos of others who are minding their own business, without their permission, & post it online, without their permission.

How is seeing that dog infuriating to you?

I work a big box retailer. Someone walked in with a husky puppy and it immediately peed on the floor… nice

Dogs are allowed in Walmarts (not saying that’s where this is, just speaking from my experience), as long as they aren’t aggressive or barking up a storm 🤷🏼‍♂️😂 I’ve had customers complain to me about it, but there’s nothing we can do or say unless their dogs is being a menace… and most aren’t 🙃

Sorry but what’s the problem with bringing a dog into a supermarket if it’s a quiet respectful dog? Even in my third world country dogs are allowed into most supermarkets so I don’t understand why they wouldn’t in first world countries that are supposed to love animals more?

They rarely are! Pet owners need to be held accountable and rules enforced. no pets!

All the people saying “mind your business” or “its not harming anyone” are part of the problem. This one specific dog at this specific moment may not be doing anything, but that doesn’t excuse it. It’s “mind your business” until that dog bites you. “Its not doing anything” until it pees or poops everywhere. Lots of people claim their dog is well behaved, lots of dogs seem well behaved, until they’re not. It’s a hygiene and a safety concern. Your dog may be well behaved, but that doesn’t mean something won’t happen to trigger them to react a certain way, and that doesn’t mean everyone wants to be around your pet. I love dogs, I work with them every single day. Even the best behaved dogs can snap, bark, bite, make messes. Not everyone wants to be around them even if they’re a little angel. There’s certain places pets should be, and grocery stores aren’t one of them.

Needs more context.  Does this grocery store have a policy against leashed animals?  Did the man claim it was a service animal?

I’m not mad at this as-is.

A customer entered my store with a dog that began barking at another shopper. I approached the owner and politely inquired if there was an emergency. He reacted with disdain and insisted his dog was a service animal. I explained that service dogs are highly trained and don’t bark without cause, and respectfully requested he take the dog outside as pets aren’t permitted in the store. He became confrontational, accusing me of discrimination. I firmly reiterated the store policy and informed him that if he refused to comply, I would have to ask him to leave. It’s frustrating when individuals misrepresent their pets as service animals, disrupting others and creating an uncomfortable environment.

Ive been seeing way more pets in the grocery store lately. One even peed on our floor DX. They’re putting them in the carts too which could be a health issue…

People bring their dogs into our grocery store all the time. They are not trying to pass them off as service dogs. Just bringing their dogs into our grocery because they can. Don’t assume this person is trying to pass that perfect looking pug off as a service dog.

I had a pug as a service dog for 8 years. I got shit for her all the time because she wasn’t the usual breed. That said, mine wore her vest and stayed right beside my ankle at all times. That’s not service dog behavior.

Just please don’t assume by breed.

Most are not service dogs. It’s frustrating in California especially San Diego county

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