Bought the “Women fear me, fish love me: because I fuck the fish.” shirt and waited months for it to come. There was a misprint and now I own a shirt that only says “BECAUSE I FUCK THE FISH” on the front.

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This you OP?

wear that at the aquarium on your next family outing/date

That’s… quite a shirt.

Wear it with pride

I think it gets the same message across still.

haven’t laughed this hard at a reddit post in a while

I don’t understand how that message changes all that much in either message. They both mean the same thing, no?

“I’m not allowed near ponds”

I’m trying to understand why you would want to wear the shirt, even if it was not missprinted?

It’s funnier this way don’t even worry about it king

Granted I’m drunk but how is this different from what you expected? You’re fucking fish either way.

Found the fish fucker.



there are no accidents.

That’s not mildly infuriating, that’s hilarious.

Saved yourself the embarrassment of wearing either shirt

I guess shoplifting fish at a grocery store while wearing this shirt would become a talking point

I must be getting old….I don’t understand this saying 🤷


Makes you realize how dumb the message is in the first place. Even with a misprint you’re still getting the exact same message across.


The correct one wasn’t that much better dude

either way its still weird as hell???

I’m sorry this happened, like that sucks. But this is hilarious. In fact, I think it’s even better than what you wanted originally. As others have said, wear it with pride! lol

I have 2 questions
1. Are you keeping the shirt
2. If not, how much do you want for it

The bane of your local Bass Pro fishtank

Maybe you could get a custom hat that says the first part to complete the outfit?

So you got an improvement.

Easy fix. Get the hat and wear it with the shirt.

You received the shirt you deserve, not the shirt you wanted.

I’m equally confused by both versions 🤣

Fish can’t give consent, ya know.


I’m sorry this is hilarious 😂

Wow, that’s way better than what you ordered.

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