I don’t get it..

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It’s what Elon Musk’s dad did

Google Errol Musk and his family.

Then Elon had affairs on two of his wives with two different employees and had four kids outside of his marriages.

“In the early 1990s, Errol (Elon Musk’s father), then aged 45, married Heide Bezuidenhout, a 25-year old he described as “one of the best looking women I’ve ever seen in my life”. They had two children. Jana Bezuidenhout, who later became his romantic partner, was his stepdaughter from that marriage, four years old at the time Errol became her stepfather.”

It’s his dad

Not a joke, reality

Its not a joke, thats just what happened. His father married a woman with a daughter from another marriage, he raised her, and when she was old enough, he swooped in and had a baby with the daughter.

I thought it was woody allen…

Thought we were talking about Woody Allen for a sec there, but I guess that case is comparatively tame.

The apple never falls far from the tree

Reading from the meme itself, because the responses are accurate but some of them still require some knowledge or context outside of just knowing who Elon Musk is:

Step 1: Elon Musk is mad. He is known for, over the last few years, aligning with right-wing extremists who hyper-focus on going after adults who groom and/or abuse children, specifically sexually. Elon would, per his public statements/posts/persona, be super mad about a man, let’s call him Bill, grooming Bill’s own step-daughter from the age of four until that four-year-old turns 19, marrying that now-19 step-daughter, and having two children with her.

Step 2: Elon Musk has the “Uhh…I don’t know how to respond” face because our “Bill” from step 1 is Errol Musk, Elon’s father. Errol Musk is accused of grooming Errol’s step-daughter from the age of four onwards, until he married her when she turned 19, after which they had two children together.

So Elon is mad about pedophilia and/or grooming publicly and makes it a huge part of his public personality, but he looks the other way when it is his own father who does those things.

Edit: to>two

What is not to get? The meme shows Elon Musk feigning outrage at something that should be outrageous but being calm when he father is the one that did the outrageous thing

I’m not generally one to defend him, but it was my understanding that Elon was disgusted by this and hates his dad.

Afaik he doesn’t have contact with his dad and I remember him saying that he’s an evil person

its just a meme based on a fact about elon musks dad, Except elon today wouldnt be surprised about that like the meme suggests:

“Elon described his father Errol as a ‘terrible human being’, adding: ‘Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done.'”

ya dont pick your parents.

Errol Musk manages to be an even worse person than his most famous son.

I am so tired of seeing this guy’s face everywhere.

I don’t think he ever spoke fondly of his dad.

Not a joke…again.

Elmo has been talking about grooming gangs in the UK and how dangerous they are, groom young girls etc…

His father allegedly adopted a girl at 14 and married her at 19…so…….yeah…..

Woody Allen is his dad?

Well that’s gross. Yuck. That family is horrid.

i feel like this one is pretty self explanatory

The musk family are well known child rapists

Reminds of the talking cat in rick and morty.

What, is that the old woman who said we need more babies even if we can’t afford them . If so F her.

Elmo has been talking about grooming gangs in the UK and how dangerous they are, groom young girls etc…

His father allegedly adopted a girl at 14 and married her at 19…so…….yeah…..

Also stole a diamond mine from the South Africans that how his family got rich

Leon the Uncle Brother

And was Musky’s dad a drag queen? 🤔

I believe this is a Woody Allen reference

What don’t you get it? I mean, it’s not a joke and it’s pretty self explanatory


He literally estranged his father

This is probably why he seems to have such a weird breeding kink. Constantly talking about population collapse and declining birthrates.

I’ve heard Elon isn’t fond of his dad.

Apple sure doesn’t fall far from the rotten tree

Seems self explanatory to me

Dudes dad married his own stepdaughter also You ever notice how close Elon and his mom are, almost a little too close

Woody Allen (technicality: he wasn’t married to her mother. The mother was Allen’s long term girlfriend).

Elon pretty vocally doesn’t like his dad, so what’s the point here?

Woody Allen?

Liking kung fu most likely runs in the family

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