Today’s cover of the Polish Wprost magazine

By madever
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thats great cover ngl

This is why Art can send a bigger message than any words written. I like it.

Wprost makes great covers

W indeed.

This is a sick cover, need a large print of that and hung in my home office

1 moar finger

AI could never

Can someone make a version where Alice weidel (AFD Germany) treys to stitch the fingers back on? She what’s to demolish wind mills and establish our dependence on Russian gas.

Poland is so badass

Based cover

Brilliant !

Great art idea! Could have also been a bear paw instead of a hand.

Love it.

It’s perfect. Almost looks like the reverse of the “Left 4 Dead” cover art. Nice coincidence since that’s a game about fending off hordes of zombies lol

comment image)

how is that nord stream “non political” project goin?

Kurwa much! Very much! Love it


Are we ready to be self sufficient? In Italy yes, but we’re paying gas way too much, compared to other nations.
This is causing undeclared price inflation.

In my home we’re heating our rooms with convectors. We use gas only for showering and cooking.

Very sad to see that these political struggles have always consequences on us, the people.

You see, when it’s from pipe, it’s baaad. But when it’s from a tanker, it’s goooood.

I just don’t like ya no more .

Sorry I am OOTL here in Australia. What is the message this is sending? Looks like pipes, is this separation from Russian pipes?

Colin Farrells character should just stop talking to the Russians.

Pic goes hard

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, what does this mean? Is that supposed to Poland, or Russia?

Context ?

First I confused the landmass with the ocean and I didn’t know which country or continent I was looking at. Makes sense now.

It makes sense, fingers got amputated because of cold.

Is this the finger lakes?

Thankfully European industry will now run on democracy and good thoughts and a lot of LNG imported from India.

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