Hotels used to have to put up signs explaining that electricity is safe and not to be feared

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I knew an elderly lady, who told me that her house was the first in her town to get electricity. None of them understood how it worked and she remembered her father had the notion that every socket had to have something plugged into it, or the electricity would flow out onto the floor and electrocute everyone. They also had to turn everything off during storms, or else the electricity would attract lightning.

perhaps they were afraid after watching Edison electrocute A full grown elephant to death in front of a crowd


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Probably because of bullshit like this. Times really haven’t changed, have they?

Bet there were people running around saying it emitted dangerous energy and vibrations. Sound familiar?

Fun fact, radiation was discovered about the time electricity was becoming a common thing. They were putting radioactive materials in everything for health benefits, but people were terrified of electricity because it could kill you instantly. 

People today need to be told that cell phones don’t give them cancer, 4G or 5G networks don’t kill you, ditto vaccines. Also pasteurization.

People today aren’t any smarter. The opposite, in fact, there are people objecting to things that have been proved to be lifesavers for mnay, many years.

I want to see the rest of the hotel room

It’s amazing that even way back then, people were reluctant to revolutionary technology

We tend to forget that we react as humans to the new and unknown pretty much the same way we have since we were not as evolved.

Because it kept us alive. We see it as silly sometimes but it is who we are as a species.

But we have the capacity to make changes to our own world views and incorporate the new and unknown pretty much.

I heard a story once about when columbus came to the new world. The natives could not comprehend ships i. the bay. literally couldn’t see them because it was so alien to their world view. Til the shaman sat out and stared at the bay til he saw the ships. When he did and told the others in his tribe, they could see them.

Idk if it’s true or not but it always stuck with me.

And some people today are afraid of 5G.

>not does it affect the soundness of sleep 

Blue light has entered the chat

In the UK we had the same, but Swan Light and 5 years earlier.

We have to explain this to people about radio waves now

Imagine having to convince people electricity won’t give them a shock in the middle of the night—times really have changed!

I wonder if there was a group of people that were anti-electricity and didn’t trust that message.

Electricity= The 5G Vaccines of the 19th century.

Ya just know done guy would light that match and be all like “no way I’m messing with that new fangled *air quotes* ‘electricity”.

The modern day equivalent would be people freaking out about 5G

I have had electricity all my fucking life and never once doubted its safety, but that disclaimer at the bottom makes *me* nervous.

They predicted 5g

Now I want this as sign to hang on my wall

Not harmful for sleep?  Then why cant i sleep with all the lights in my bedroom on?

Tbf I’d be pretty scared of electricity/lightbulbs if I’d never seen them before. Shit would have seemed like magic lol

I had this exact sign on my wall in the 1970s when I was a kid. Not sure where I got it though.

At first I thought this was a passive aggressive sign left in an escape room to prevent property damage.

My dad used to work for the gas company. He has this exact sign up in his house and thinks it’s just the funniest damn thing ever.

His house is also so old that it was built with gas lights. So there is that.

Imagine living your whole life up to that point and seeing this. With less movement than lighting a match you have just turned on the lights. Mfs must have switched the thing on and off for hours in amazement.

Hell we still have to explain to some Americans that 5g is safe FFS.

“President Benjamin Harrison and his wife Caroline were the first to live in an electrified White House [in 1891], but electricity was so new at the time that the couple refused to touch the light switches for fear of electric shock. The White House staff was in charge of turning the lights on and off.” [energydotgov](,September%2014%2C%201891,the%20White%20House%20Historical%20Association.)

[white house history](

Big business white washing the health effects…ever since electricity was introduced there are so many deaths from car and airplane crashes. Makes you think.

I would have thought yeah it doesn’t affect soundness of sleep but it can surely summon spirits

At this point I believe that human body just adapts to these changes . Something birds don’t do

Like after all the electric wiring I can no longer see sparrows in my region . They just vanished

tbf I wouldn’t trust anything with that hack’s name on it. TESLA OR NOTHON BABYYYYY

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