Am I overreacting?

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So a 27 female should motivate and push 41 old dude? That guy insecure af

Not over reacting. This is a huge red flag. It’s controlling. If you want to work out do it for yourself. Good on you for sticking up for yourself!!

You do need to get motivated, and leave his controlling judgmental ass.

This guy does not have your best interests at heart, please don’t stay with him 🙁

Does he want a life partner or a gym trainer? From this he doesn’t seem to have your best interests at heart

Anyone who makes you feel “less than” sucks. Someone who does that to you regularly has no place in your life.

Leave this moron. Tell him it’s because of his bad attitude and lack of a hairline.

There’s a reason why he’s dating someone who’s 27 at the age of 41, because not his age wants him. Leave.

Do YOU think this is a healthy relationship? Are you enjoying yourself?

Are you really asking if this ok?

“You are not motivated. I am motivated. You should motivate me.”

Na leave him. He sucks.

Getting up at 4am to workout is plenty motivated. I know because I do it too. This won’t get any better and it will never be enough for him. 41 going on 14

This sounds extremely unhealthy and like he might have an ED fetish he is forcing you into.

You focus should be on your own health and strength at the gym not someone else’s superficial opinion of you

Get a cheeseburger and dump his ass.

I don’t get it; why are you with a guy that treats you like shit? The age gap is also a pretty big red flag.

You won’t be thin enough for this man until he starves and exercises you to death. I was married to a man like this. You’ll never be thin enough. This isn’t about looks or motivation. This is some kind of disorder.

Get out of this.

Is he really over 41 or is it just the weirdest comparison I’ve ever read?

Typical behaviour of a man dating way below his age. He wants to control you. He thinks he can shape you into the partner he desires. Dump him, at his age, he knows better.

Best thing I was ever told was to find someone at the same point in life as you.  I don’t know you, I don’t know him.  But that advice made a positive difference in what I looked for in a person. 

Also, him behaving like this at 41 toward himself… fine.  Him behaving like this toward others?  Not motivating… in fact, it does the opposite.

He’s acting like your dad not your bf. Ew. Is this what you really want? Live your life for YOU!

Motivate him to find someone else by dumping his ass.

Fuuuuuuck this conversation at 8am

The age alone is not going to work. You 2 are at two whole different parts of your life.

My ex husband who is 46 always shakes his head at me. It doesn’t change just leave

27 and 41.

Respectfully, sis why?

Ew. Between the age difference and trying to neg you about your body and framing it as being about the gym… there’s a reason he isn’t dating someone his age. NOR, he’ll never be happy with your appearance because keeping you insecure is his game.

Sister. He’s using you as a plaything. He’s going to fuck your mind up so bad, every relationship you have after is going to suffer. Please find an escape route. Immediately. If I was your mom, I’d be there with a U-Haul to load you up today.

He’s not treating you like a person, he’s treating you like you are his accessory. 
Oh, wait, there’s a massive age gap!
That explains things.

“please don’t take that as rude” ok but it is rude. Leave before he makes you completely orthorexic

NOR. It sounds like you’re already at a very healthy weight, especially for 27. How long have you been dating? Has he always been like this or is this a recent behavior? Either way, I’d let him know you don’t like or respond well to that type of pressure. He needs to like you for everything else about you other than your body shape and if he can’t get down with that, it’s best to dump him and find someone that makes you happy and doesn’t stress you. Not everyone is a gym rat, some people just don’t understand that.

Okay, so he’s 41 and you 27 and he forces you to work out to get skinny for him when you’re already skinny? That’s really controlling and weird. You shouldn’t have to change for him.

Run, this isn’t a a healthy relationship!

No, you are under-reacting.

“Please don’t take that as rude”. Girl, you are 27. A bit of spine.

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