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They really just want to say the n word so bad

I think it was neil degrasse tyson who said something along the lines of “i wonder how many geniuses died as slaves tilling fields and never had a chance?”

Elon has had servants his entire life. He’s never done any work himself, and his flabby tiny weak body shows that. I’ve met so many talented people who never got a chance and in our world we also see way too many people like elon who do not deserve what they have.

These are two examples of precisely why i do not believe our species is guided by anything other than us.

I like how thousands are losing their homes and they go “yah DEI did this in the middle of the fire they told only the dei hires to go to work.”
How are people that fucking stupid to eat this shit with a smile on their fucking faces?

Fascism 101

If Musk disappeared tomorrow, would anyone miss him?

It’s such a strange argument. By trying to hire a diverse/inclusive workforce (women, people of color, LGBT, etc) that causes a less efficacious workforce?

What about the countless jobs that give priority to U.S. veterans? Surely that doesn’t cause the employer do abandon their objectives?

Being Black or female or a veteran doesn’t mean you are automatically worse at your job, which seems to be the implication people like Elon make.

Should we have avoided giving Elon government contracts because he is South African?

Shouldn’t they be outraged at that billionaire couple that hoarded all of the water and got everyone to prioritize agricultural use over city use?

He’s really going for that “Worst Person” award.

Don’t forget that the biggest bitch on xitter is african-american himself and was an illegal immigrant…

these types of statements are so disingenuous. they’re saying white peoples can do a better job which is the exact same idea as the issue they take with the DEI policies they’re railing against

Welcome to modern American politics! Crude, obnoxious, brainless, corrupt… The “leaders of the free world” everyone! Come and see.

Do you truly expect anything more from an apartheid raised son of an exploiting emerald miner from South Fucking Africa???

He didn’t turn into this, he was ALWAYS like this. His newly expanded political influence has just stripped the veneer off is civility, and any social prudence he may have once displayed.


Is the Fire Dept that hard to get a job in, that DEI would even be a thing? A job most of us dont want cause we are chicken shit, and afraid of dying from burning? Why doesn’t that piece of shit Musk join up? Ol bitch

“Republican politicians are corrupt and lie about everything and their policies won’t work, but they have really embraced bigotry — and I’m just stupid enough to think that their bigotry will help me”

Average Trump voter

Clearly DEI hires is why there is drought and heavy winds

Can someone explain me why a South african is holding the US by the balls?

I mean… Nazis? The Jews? Hello?

So black people cant put out fires as well as white people? I mean I know y’all can’t swim but shit.

Racists tend to be very dumb.

It’s not just that they don’t understand DEI, it’s that they don’t seem to understand that it outs them as a racist so they might as well just be racist.

Guys don’t you understand? It’s not *racism* or *misogyny* it’s just that white men are superior to everyone else in everything ever and nothing bad has ever happened while they were in charge of things!



These are actual, legitimate Nazi tactics. Like the Nazis literally blamed every and any problem on every group they hated, but especially the Jews.

Like how in the fuck can a wildfire have a political agenda? Just wait until they start blaming minorities for hurricanes.

everytime I read something that musk as said, I kinda lose more respect for Dave Chappelle. I remember he bought him on stage in SF. And he proves daily that he’s racist as fuck, no filter

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They prioritized lower taxes over improving infrastructure.

Amazing Republicans suddenly care so much for the welfare of us los angelens

Yet we already know the Kenneth fire was started by arson, and the palisades a likely regrowing of a new years eve firework fire

Except for some reason the local fire dept tool 45 mins to respond to a known fire spot

I don’t think anyone would be shocked to find those responsible exrreme Magans

That would also fit Rusian strategies of creating chaos and blaming others for political gain.

I hate how accepted it is to blame things on DEI, because if you breakdown that argument to it’s most fundamental components, Elon is saying, “white people spray fires with water better than black people.” Which is fucking nonsense.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – President Lyndon B. Johnson

Remember when the same people would get so angry that it wasn’t OK for them to say the N-word, but it was OK for Black people to? 

I always wondered why they wanted to say this so badly? Like this is the example of “equality” they’re so focused on? Why did so much of “free speech” on Twitter come down to just getting to say slurs?

This reminds me of “thug” and other coded language racists think the ones they malign can’t figure out. It’s simplistic, anyone being honest knows the intent. The issue is that most anyone else in power has such a similar background that they help give credence to the idea that any “doubt “ can be involved.

Never heard that term before…

Not as bad as the N word but a couple months ago a MAGA acquaintance greeted me with “how’s my crazy Pollack doing?”
They are proud of their ignorance.

Might as well have just come out and said he was a racist. I’m not surprised, considering he is from South Africa

So the Camp Fire in 2018 with 86 people dead and 18,804 structures lost: that’s all on those hetro white boys. Same with the Tubbs Fire 22 dead and 5 ,636 structures lost. All white boys. As a matter of fact: every single fire death and structure loss before DEI: all hetro white boys. Hmmm? I see a pattern.

I am genuinely disappointed that so many people who presumably passed seventh grade history don’t catch onto this. It’s so obvious, and they do it CONSTANTLY. Just scapegoating all the time.

How do you not catch onto this? They’re not even being sneaky about it. What were all these people doing in middle school?

I really hate this f***ing timeline

I love how they are attacking DEI. They are against anyone not white or male. They don’t hide it. It’s out in the open. Yet they still get voted into power.

Didn’t the Nazis also opposed DEI? 🤔

Our country is beyond saving.

Elon waking up in the morning, “*yawn* wow what a crazy night of ketamine and pretending I play Path of Exile.. now how can I blame wildfires on people that aren’t my skin color?”

The moment they started calling elected officials “DEI” hires I knew it’s just them saying the n-word.

Am I the only one who reads DEI as Dutch East Indies

That’s because American conservatives are retarded

Jamelle is great, btw. He’s a reporter and he does a lot of stuff on social media. I recommend everyone give him a follow.

If minorities are so stupid why does he want to hire all these H1B workers from India?

It only works… because people SO desperately want someone to blame for their shit life, so instead of going to the source (evil rich assholes) they’re convinced/manipulated/lied to about it SOMEHOW being THIS groups fault (usually set up by aforementioned rich assholes).

I just don’t get why minorities aren’t completely infuriated by all of this dei crap. They’re basically saying that if you’re not white you’re unfit for the job. Any job from what I gather.

By prioritizing DEI, does he mean abiding by a Federal Consent Decree put on the department in the 1970s and 80s? That’s when the anecdotes come from. Ever tried to not abide by a Federal Consent Decree? Ever wonder why there was a need for a consent decree?

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