We’re at the “It isn’t happening yet!” stage of denial.

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I do truly enjoy how often Musk shows everyone what a moron he is. Unfortunately, it seems that to many Americans, ignorance is a virtue to be celebrated.

And if he had said shit, there’s simply zero doubt he’d have completely absolved city, county, and state government from any blame and place the blame on the Democrats.

It doesn’t take a genius. Anytime something bad happens Elon and Trump say “it’s the Dems’ fault!”, and no matter how obviously stupid that is to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention, millions of their cultists parrot it.

Fuckin dumbass made our point for us. Texas is constantly on fire. Shit is exhausting.

Climate change is happening but slowly? 😂😂

The exact opposite is happening. It’s happening faster than predicted.

The man is an absolute 🤡.

His constant lying is not about making people believe the lie, it’s about making sure people don’t believe anything. Once people can’t tell the difference between what’s truth and what’s a lie, they don’t know what’s right or wrong and then he gains full control. His dumbness is dumbing them down.

You will notice that they will blame DEI, not raking the forest, Democrats or anything other than what is clearly the effects of global climate change in increasing the intensity of all the disasters. They do not want to risk losing the contributions of the fossil fuel industry, while happily destroying the future of our children and grandchildren on this planet.

With 100mph winds there is no such thing as a firebreak.

The word “mismanagement” should never be in that man’s mouth.

The areas that burned had firebreaks everywhere. Firebreaks don’t matter when the wind is blowing 80 miles an hour


Elon Musk is a miserable fuck head.

it’s hilarious seeing how Elon thinks he’s so intelligent but he’s just another daddy’s money grifter

Define “slowly”, Elon.

The number of major wildfires in the Western US has ALREADY DOUBLED in the 30 year period ending 2015.

The exact same thing has happened in Canada already too. Sorry, Elon, but there’s no Dems to blame up here.

If the global temperature rises just 1 more degree from today, the number of fires is projected to increase a further 600%.

We all share this same Earth. Maybe our government and industry “leaders” should start talking and acting like science actually matters?

What the fuck does that ass-clown do all day because he sure as hell isn’t working.

Show your fucking work, Elmo.

This is like saying if evolution is true why are there still monkeys?

And a single snow storm wiped out the entire infrastructure

Because the oligarchs have completely normalized politicizing disasters. The far right do not care about the victims at all, they care about their anti American political bullshit.

Elmo thinks $ = brains.

Top 10 States For Wildfires Ranked By Number Of Fires And By Number Of Acres Burned, 2022

|Rank|State|Number of fires|
|3|North Carolina|6,222|

Has anyone ever told him to shut the fuck up. I think he needs to hear it more often

Don’t be mean to musk. He is building a rocket powered underground submarine that will save California as soon as it gets plugged in

Oh look another person that has zero knowledge about forest fires commenting on how to prevent forest fires. Can Elon just stick to what he knows? You know buying out companies /ideas and taking credit for them.

Who else is ready for trump and Elon to just disappear

It hasn’t rained in LA in 8 months but sure Elon.

Dude needs to build cars and rockets and STFU about things he doesn’t know. Climate change is not happening slowly. All the experts (you know, scientists, PhDs and shit, people who actually *know* this shit) agree that it’s accelerating dramatically. Hence, more and more distasters like the one we’re currently seeing in LA.

First Lady Elonia

Next he will tell us how to stop hurricane force dry winds.

It’s just another excuse to get political for them, they actually couldn’t care less who gets hurt as long as they can feel important.

How does someone so stupid be so rich. Motherfucker must have a horseshoe up his ass.

Why does anyone listen to this clown. I want him out of my country. 

Elon is the absolute epitome of “immigrants” taking advantage of the system.

Along with other stupid shit he says, he now talks about his knowledge when it comes to fighting fires.

Elon sucks and if you voted for him, you’ll receive your reward soon. ZERO social security.

He’s not smart. He’s a bully cheap used car salesman. Pun intended. It fits.

Ahhhh yes Elon Musk: visionary, tech genius, engineer, and (checks notes) forestry expert?

The number “a million” doesn’t really mean anything without context, since California and Texas are different sizes. So I decided to compare the numbers in context. Because it’s silly to believe anything you read on X without DYOR.

In 2024 about 1.058 million acres burned in Texas, which has a total of about 171.9 million acres. This represents 0.615% of the total area of Texas.

In California, about 1.050 million acres burned, of a total of 104.8 million acres in the same year. This represents about 1% of the total area of California.

Thus, the percentage of land lost to wildfires in 2024 was about 40% higher in California than in Texas. Read into it what you will, I just like to check my facts.






Is this a state forest or the federal managed land?

According to Musk logic if state has Rep(edo)ublican governor then it’s fine if it burns.

Also, not a single tweet about how to help California, where to donate, what the richest man in the world could do….

Nope, just bitching, lying, and whining

How the hell would Elon know??? GTFOH

Ah, yes…the vast forests of LA.

And, apparently, Texas

Correction: All Elon Musk says is shit.

I love how they keep claiming the most populous county in the U.S. didn’t clear brush. It probably had less brush than any non desert county in the whole nation.

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